
interface Subscription

A subscription defines a specific server query and its metadata. The result of this query is continuously being synchronized with the device as long as the subscription is part of a SubscriptionSet with a state of SubscriptionSetState.COMPLETE.

Subscriptions can be updated using MutableSubscriptionSet.add with updateExisting = true.


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abstract val createdAt: RealmInstant

The timestamp for when this subscription was created.

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abstract val id: ObjectId

An unique id, generated by Realm, that identifies this subscription.

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abstract val name: String?

The name of subscription or null if this is an anonymous subscription.

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abstract val objectType: String

The class name of the objects being queried.

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abstract val queryDescription: String

The subscription query that is running on objects of type objectType.

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abstract val updatedAt: RealmInstant

The timestamp for when a persisted subscription was updated. When the subscription is created, this field is equal to createdAt.


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abstract fun <T : RealmObject> asQuery(type: KClass<T>): RealmQuery<T>

Converts the Subscription.queryDescription back to a RealmQuery that can be executed against the local Realm.

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Converts the Subscription.queryDescription back to a RealmQuery that can be executed against the local Realm.