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add(RealmLogger) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Adds a logger implementation that will be notified on log events.
add(int, E) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Inserts the specified object into this List at the specified location.
add(E) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Adds the specified object at the end of this List.
addAuthenticationListener(AuthenticationListener) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.App
Sets a global authentication listener that will be notified about User events like login and logout.
addChangeListener(RealmChangeListener<DynamicRealm>) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealm
Adds a change listener to the Realm.
addChangeListener(RealmObjectChangeListener<E>) - Method in class io.realm.ProxyState
addChangeListener(RealmChangeListener<Realm>) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Adds a change listener to the Realm.
addChangeListener(OrderedRealmCollectionChangeListener<RealmList<E>>) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Adds a change listener to this RealmList.
addChangeListener(RealmChangeListener<RealmList<E>>) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Adds a change listener to this RealmList.
addChangeListener(RealmObjectChangeListener<E>) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Adds a change listener to this RealmObject to get detailed information about changes.
addChangeListener(RealmChangeListener<E>) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Adds a change listener to this RealmObject that will be triggered if any value field or referenced RealmObject field is changed, or the RealmList field itself is changed.
addChangeListener(E, RealmObjectChangeListener<E>) - Static method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Adds a change listener to a RealmObject to get detailed information about the changes.
addChangeListener(E, RealmChangeListener<E>) - Static method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Adds a change listener to a RealmObject that will be triggered if any value field or referenced RealmObject field is changed, or the RealmList field itself is changed.
addChangeListener(RealmChangeListener<RealmResults<E>>) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Adds a change listener to this RealmResults.
addChangeListener(OrderedRealmCollectionChangeListener<RealmResults<E>>) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Adds a change listener to this RealmResults.
addConnectionChangeListener(ConnectionListener) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncSession
Adds a listener tracking changes to the connection backing this session.
addCustomRequestHeader(String, String) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration.Builder
Adds an extra HTTP header to append to every request to a Realm Object Server.
addCustomRequestHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration.Builder
Adds extra HTTP headers to append to every request to a Realm Object Server.
addDownloadProgressListener(ProgressMode, ProgressListener) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncSession
Adds a progress listener tracking changes that need to be downloaded from the Realm Object Server.
addField(String, Class<?>, FieldAttribute...) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Adds a new simple field to the RealmObject class.
addIndex(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Adds an index to a given field.
addModule(Object) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration.Builder
Adds a module to the already defined modules.
addModule(Object) - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration.Builder
FIXME: Temporary visible DEBUG method.
addPrimaryKey(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Adds a primary key to a given field.
addRealmListField(String, RealmObjectSchema) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Adds a new field that contains a RealmList with references to other Realm model classes.
addRealmListField(String, Class<?>) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Adds a new field that references a RealmList with primitive values.
addRealmObjectField(String, RealmObjectSchema) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Adds a new field that references another RealmObject.
addUploadProgressListener(ProgressMode, ProgressListener) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncSession
Adds a progress listener tracking changes that need to be uploaded from the device to the Realm Object Server.
aggregate(List<? extends Bson>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Aggregates documents according to the specified aggregation pipeline.
aggregate(List<? extends Bson>, Class<ResultT>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Aggregates documents according to the specified aggregation pipeline specifying an output class.
AggregateIterable<ResultT> - Class in io.realm.mongodb.mongo.iterable
Specific iterable for MongoCollection.aggregate(List) operations.
AggregateIterable(ThreadPoolExecutor, <any>, CodecRegistry, Class<ResultT>, List<? extends Bson>) - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.iterable.AggregateIterable
ALL - Static variable in class io.realm.log.LogLevel
The ALL has the lowest possible rank and is intended to turn on all logging.
allUsers() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.App
Returns all known users that are either User.State.LOGGED_IN or User.State.LOGGED_OUT.
alwaysFalse() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
This predicate will never match, resulting in the query always returning 0 results.
alwaysTrue() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
This predicate will always match.
and() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Logical-and two conditions Realm automatically applies logical-and between all query statements, so this is intended only as a mean to increase readability.
anonymous() - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.Credentials
Creates credentials representing an anonymous user.
apiKey(String) - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.Credentials
Creates credentials representing a login using a user API key.
ApiKeyAuth - Class in io.realm.mongodb.auth
This class exposes functionality for a user to manage API keys under their control.
App - Class in io.realm.mongodb
An App is the main client-side entry point for interacting with a MongoDB Realm App.
App(String) - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.App
App(AppConfiguration) - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.App
Constructor for creating an App according to the given AppConfiguration.
App.Callback<T> - Interface in io.realm.mongodb
Callback for async methods available to the App.
App.Result<T> - Class in io.realm.mongodb
Result class representing the result of an async request from this app towards MongoDB Realm.
AppConfiguration - Class in io.realm.mongodb
A AppConfiguration is used to setup a MongoDB Realm application.
AppConfiguration.Builder - Class in io.realm.mongodb
Builder used to construct instances of a AppConfiguration in a fluent manner.
AppException - Exception in io.realm.mongodb
This class is a wrapper for all errors happening when communicating with a MongoDB Realm app.
AppException(ErrorCode, String) - Constructor for exception io.realm.mongodb.AppException
Create an error caused by an error in the protocol when communicating with the Object Server.
AppException(String, int, String) - Constructor for exception io.realm.mongodb.AppException
Creates an unknown error that could not be mapped to any known error case.
AppException(ErrorCode, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.realm.mongodb.AppException
Create an error caused by an an exception when communicating with the Object Server.
AppException(ErrorCode, String, String) - Constructor for exception io.realm.mongodb.AppException
Errors happening while trying to authenticate a user.
AppException(ErrorCode, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.realm.mongodb.AppException
Generic error happening that could happen anywhere.
AppException(ErrorCode, String, int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.realm.mongodb.AppException
apple(String) - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.Credentials
Creates credentials representing a login using an Apple ID token.
apply(DynamicRealmObject) - Method in interface io.realm.RealmObjectSchema.Function
appName(String) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration.Builder
Sets the apps name.
appVersion(String) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration.Builder
Sets the apps version.
asChangesetObservable() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Returns an Rx Observable that monitors changes to this RealmList.
asChangesetObservable() - Method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Returns an Rx Observable that monitors changes to this RealmObject.
asChangesetObservable(E) - Static method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Returns an Rx Observable that monitors changes to this RealmObject.
asChangesetObservable() - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Returns an Rx Observable that monitors changes to this RealmResults.
asFlowable() - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealm
Returns an RxJava Flowable that monitors changes to this Realm.
asFlowable() - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Returns an RxJava Flowable that monitors changes to this Realm.
asFlowable() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Returns an Rx Flowable that monitors changes to this RealmList.
asFlowable() - Method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Returns an RxJava Flowable that monitors changes to this RealmObject.
asFlowable(E) - Static method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Returns an RxJava Flowable that monitors changes to this RealmObject.
asFlowable() - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Returns an Rx Flowable that monitors changes to this RealmResults.
asJson() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.Credentials
Returns the credentials object serialized as a json string.
asJSON() - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Returns a JSON representation of the matches of a RealmQuery.
assetFile(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration.Builder
Copies the Realm file from the given asset file path.
AUTH - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode.Type
AuthenticationListener - Interface in io.realm.mongodb
Interface describing events related to Users and their authentication
authorizationHeaderName(String) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration.Builder
Sets the name of the HTTP header used to send authorization data in when making requests to MongoDB Realm.
average(String) - Method in interface io.realm.RealmCollection
Returns the average of a given field.
average(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Returns the average of a given field.
average(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Returns the average of a given field.
averageDecimal128(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Returns the average of a given field.


baseUrl(String) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration.Builder
Sets the base url for the MongoDB Realm Application.
beginGroup() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Begin grouping of conditions ("left parenthesis").
beginsWith(String, String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Condition that the value of field begins with the specified string.
beginsWith(String, String, Case) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Condition that the value of field begins with the specified substring.
Beta - Annotation Type in io.realm.annotations
This annotation is added to classes, constructors or methods which are considered in beta phase.
between(String, int, int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Between condition.
between(String, long, long) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Between condition.
between(String, double, double) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Between condition.
between(String, float, float) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Between condition.
between(String, Date, Date) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Between condition.
between(String, Decimal128, Decimal128) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Between condition.
build() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration.Builder
Creates the AppConfiguration.
build() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration.Builder
Creates the RealmConfiguration based on the builder parameters.
build() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration.Builder
Creates the RealmConfiguration based on the builder parameters.
Builder(String) - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration.Builder
Creates an instance of the Builder for the AppConfiguration.
Builder(User, String) - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration.Builder
Creates an instance of the builder for a SyncConfiguration with the given user and partition value.
Builder(User, ObjectId) - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration.Builder
Creates an instance of the builder for a SyncConfiguration with the given user and partition value.
Builder() - Constructor for class io.realm.RealmConfiguration.Builder
Creates an instance of the Builder for the RealmConfiguration.


Callback() - Constructor for class io.realm.DynamicRealm.Callback
Callback() - Constructor for class io.realm.Realm.Callback
Callback() - Constructor for class io.realm.Realm.Transaction.Callback
callFunction(String, List<?>, Class<ResultT>, CodecRegistry) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.functions.Functions
Call a MongoDB Realm function synchronously with custom codec registry encoding/decoding arguments/results.
callFunction(String, List<?>, Class<ResultT>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.functions.Functions
Call a MongoDB Realm function synchronously with default codec registry encoding/decoding arguments/results.
callFunction(String, List<?>, <any>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.functions.Functions
Call a MongoDB Realm function synchronously with custom result decoder.
callFunctionAsync(String, List<?>, Class<T>, CodecRegistry, App.Callback<T>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.functions.Functions
Call a MongoDB Realm function asynchronously with custom codec registry for encoding/decoding arguments/results.
callFunctionAsync(String, List<?>, Class<T>, App.Callback<T>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.functions.Functions
Call a MongoDB Realm function asynchronously with custom codec registry for encoding/decoding arguments/results.
callFunctionAsync(String, List<?>, <any>, App.Callback<T>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.functions.Functions
Call a MongoDB Realm function asynchronously with custom result decoder.
callResetPasswordFunction(String, String, Object...) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.EmailPasswordAuth
Call the reset password function configured to the Credentials.IdentityProvider#EMAIL_PASSWORD provider.
callResetPasswordFunctionAsync(String, String, Object[], App.Callback<Void>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.EmailPasswordAuth
Call the reset password function configured to the Credentials.IdentityProvider#EMAIL_PASSWORD provider.
cancel() - Method in interface io.realm.RealmAsyncTask
Attempts to cancel execution of this transaction (if it hasn't already completed or previously cancelled).
Case - Enum in io.realm
This class describes the Case settings used in Realm queries.
changesetsFrom(Realm, RealmResults<E>) - Method in class io.realm.rx.RealmObservableFactory
changesetsFrom(DynamicRealm, RealmResults<E>) - Method in class io.realm.rx.RealmObservableFactory
changesetsFrom(Realm, RealmList<E>) - Method in class io.realm.rx.RealmObservableFactory
changesetsFrom(DynamicRealm, RealmList<E>) - Method in class io.realm.rx.RealmObservableFactory
changesetsFrom(Realm, E) - Method in class io.realm.rx.RealmObservableFactory
changesetsFrom(DynamicRealm, DynamicRealmObject) - Method in class io.realm.rx.RealmObservableFactory
changesetsFrom(Realm, RealmResults<E>) - Method in interface io.realm.rx.RxObservableFactory
Creates an Observable for a RealmResults.
changesetsFrom(DynamicRealm, RealmResults<E>) - Method in interface io.realm.rx.RxObservableFactory
Creates an Observable for a RealmResults.
changesetsFrom(Realm, RealmList<E>) - Method in interface io.realm.rx.RxObservableFactory
Creates an Observable for a RealmList.
changesetsFrom(DynamicRealm, RealmList<E>) - Method in interface io.realm.rx.RxObservableFactory
Creates an Observable for a RealmList.
changesetsFrom(Realm, E) - Method in interface io.realm.rx.RxObservableFactory
Creates an Observable for a RealmObject.
changesetsFrom(DynamicRealm, DynamicRealmObject) - Method in interface io.realm.rx.RxObservableFactory
Creates an Observable for a RealmObject.
checkCollectionNameValidity(String) - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoNamespace
Check the validity of the given collection name.
checkDatabaseNameValidity(String) - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoNamespace
Check the validity of the given database name.
checkIfAttached() - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
checkValidObject(RealmModel) - Method in class io.realm.ProxyState
Check that object is a valid and managed object by this Realm.
clear() - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Removes all loggers.
clear() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Removes all elements from this list, leaving it empty.
ClientResetRequiredError - Exception in io.realm.mongodb.sync
Class encapsulating information needed for handling a Client Reset event.
close() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.iterable.MongoCursor
codecRegistry(CodecRegistry) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration.Builder
Set the default codec registry used to encode and decode BSON arguments and results when calling remote Realm Functions and accessing a remote MongoDatabase.
CollectionChange<E extends OrderedRealmCollection> - Class in io.realm.rx
Container wrapping the result of a OrderedRealmCollectionChangeListener being triggered.
CollectionChange(E, OrderedCollectionChangeSet) - Constructor for class io.realm.rx.CollectionChange
Constructor for a CollectionChange.
COMMAND_COLLECTION_NAME - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoNamespace
compactOnLaunch() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration.Builder
Setting this will cause Realm to compact the Realm file if the Realm file has grown too large and a significant amount of space can be recovered.
compactOnLaunch(CompactOnLaunchCallback) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration.Builder
Sets this to determine if the Realm file should be compacted before returned to the user.
compactOnLaunch() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration.Builder
Setting this will cause Realm to compact the Realm file if the Realm file has grown too large and a significant amount of space can be recovered.
compactOnLaunch(CompactOnLaunchCallback) - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration.Builder
Sets this to determine if the Realm file should be compacted before returned to the user.
CompactOnLaunchCallback - Interface in io.realm
This interface is used to determine if a Realm file should be compacted the first time the file is opened and before the instance is returned.
compactRealm(RealmConfiguration) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Compacts a Realm file.
compareTo(MutableRealmInteger) - Method in class io.realm.MutableRealmInteger
MutableRealmIntegers compare strictly by their values.
confirmUser(String, String) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.EmailPasswordAuth
Confirms a user with the given token and token id.
confirmUserAsync(String, String, App.Callback<Void>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.EmailPasswordAuth
Confirms a user with the given token and token id.
CONNECTION - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode.Type
ConnectionListener - Interface in io.realm.mongodb.sync
Interface used when reporting changes that happened to the connection used by the session.
ConnectionState - Enum in io.realm.mongodb.sync
Enum describing the states of the underlying connection used by a SyncSession.
contains(Object) - Method in interface io.realm.RealmCollection
Tests whether this Collection contains the specified object.
contains(Object) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Returns true if the list contains the specified element when attached to a Realm.
contains(String, String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Condition that value of field contains the specified substring.
contains(String, String, Case) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Condition that value of field contains the specified substring.
contains(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmSchema
Checks if a given class already exists in the schema.
copyFromRealm(Iterable<E>) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Makes an unmanaged in-memory copy of already persisted RealmObjects.
copyFromRealm(Iterable<E>, int) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Makes an unmanaged in-memory copy of already persisted RealmObjects.
copyFromRealm(E) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Makes an unmanaged in-memory copy of an already persisted RealmObject.
copyFromRealm(E, int) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Makes an unmanaged in-memory copy of an already persisted RealmObject.
copyToRealm(E, ImportFlag...) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Copies a RealmObject to the Realm instance and returns the copy.
copyToRealm(Iterable<E>, ImportFlag...) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Copies a collection of RealmObjects to the Realm instance and returns their copy.
copyToRealmOrUpdate(E, ImportFlag...) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Updates an existing RealmObject that is identified by the same PrimaryKey or creates a new copy if no existing object could be found.
copyToRealmOrUpdate(Iterable<E>, ImportFlag...) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Updates a list of existing RealmObjects that is identified by their PrimaryKey or creates a new copy if no existing object could be found.
count() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
count(Bson) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
count(Bson, CountOptions) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
count() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Counts the number of objects that fulfill the query conditions.
CountOptions - Class in io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options
The options for a count operation.
CountOptions() - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.CountOptions
create(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmSchema
Adds a new class to the Realm.
createAllFromJson(Class<E>, JSONArray) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Creates a Realm object for each object in a JSON array.
createAllFromJson(Class<E>, String) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Creates a Realm object for each object in a JSON array.
createAllFromJson(Class<E>, InputStream) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Creates a Realm object for each object in a JSON array.
createApiKey(String) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.ApiKeyAuth
Creates a user API key that can be used to authenticate as the user.
createApiKeyAsync(String, App.Callback<UserApiKey>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.ApiKeyAuth
Asynchronously creates a user API key that can be used to authenticate as the user.
CREATED - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.App
createEmbeddedObject(String, DynamicRealmObject, String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealm
Instantiates and adds a new embedded object to the Realm.
createEmbeddedObject(long, RealmFieldType) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
createEmbeddedObject(Class<E>, RealmModel, String) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Instantiates and adds a new embedded object to the Realm.
createObject(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealm
Instantiates and adds a new object to the Realm.
createObject(String, Object) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealm
Creates an object with a given primary key.
createObject(Class<E>) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Instantiates and adds a new object to the Realm.
createObject(Class<E>, Object) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Instantiates and adds a new object to the Realm with the primary key value already set.
createObjectFromJson(Class<E>, JSONObject) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Creates a Realm object pre-filled with data from a JSON object.
createObjectFromJson(Class<E>, String) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Creates a Realm object pre-filled with data from a JSON object.
createObjectFromJson(Class<E>, InputStream) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Creates a Realm object pre-filled with data from a JSON object.
createOrUpdateAllFromJson(Class<E>, JSONArray) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Tries to update a list of existing objects identified by their primary key with new JSON data.
createOrUpdateAllFromJson(Class<E>, String) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Tries to update a list of existing objects identified by their primary key with new JSON data.
createOrUpdateAllFromJson(Class<E>, InputStream) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Tries to update a list of existing objects identified by their primary key with new JSON data.
createOrUpdateObjectFromJson(Class<E>, JSONObject) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Tries to update an existing object defined by its primary key with new JSON data.
createOrUpdateObjectFromJson(Class<E>, String) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Tries to update an existing object defined by its primary key with new JSON data.
createOrUpdateObjectFromJson(Class<E>, InputStream) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Tries to update an existing object defined by its primary key with new JSON data.
createSnapshot() - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedRealmCollection
Creates a snapshot from this OrderedRealmCollection.
createSnapshot() - Method in class io.realm.OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot
Creates a snapshot from this OrderedRealmCollection.
createSnapshot() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Creates a snapshot from this OrderedRealmCollection.
createWithPrimaryKeyField(String, String, Class<?>, FieldAttribute...) - Method in class io.realm.RealmSchema
Adds a new class to the Realm with a primary key field defined.
Credentials - Class in io.realm.mongodb
Credentials represent a login with a given login provider, and are used by the MongoDB Realm to verify the user and grant access.
Credentials.IdentityProvider - Enum in io.realm.mongodb
This enum contains the list of identity providers supported by MongoDB Realm.
currentUser() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.App
Returns the current user that is logged in and still valid.
customFunction(Document) - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.Credentials
Creates credentials representing a remote function from MongoDB Realm using a Document which will be parsed as an argument to the remote function, so the keys must match the format and names the function expects.


DEBUG - Static variable in class io.realm.log.LogLevel
The DEBUG level designates fine-grained informational events that are mostly useful to debug an application.
debug(Throwable) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Logs a LogLevel.DEBUG exception.
debug(String, Object...) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Logs a LogLevel.DEBUG event.
debug(Throwable, String, Object...) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Logs a LogLevel.DEBUG event.
Debug() - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.sync.Sync.Debug
decrement(long) - Method in class io.realm.MutableRealmInteger
Decrements the MutableRealmInteger, subtracting the value of the argument.
DEFAULT_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_NAME - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration
The default header name used to carry authorization data when making network requests towards MongoDB Realm.
DEFAULT_BASE_URL - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration
The default url for MongoDB Realm applications.
DEFAULT_BSON_CODEC_REGISTRY - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration
Default BSON codec registry for encoding/decoding arguments and results to/from MongoDB Realm backend.
DEFAULT_REALM_NAME - Static variable in class io.realm.Realm
DEFAULT_REALM_NAME - Static variable in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration
DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration
The default request timeout for network requests towards MongoDB Realm in seconds.
DefaultCompactOnLaunchCallback - Class in io.realm
The default implementation for determining if a file should be compacted or not.
DefaultCompactOnLaunchCallback() - Constructor for class io.realm.DefaultCompactOnLaunchCallback
defaultConfig(User, String) - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration
Returns a default configuration for the given user and partition value.
defaultConfig(User, long) - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration
Returns a default configuration for the given user and partition value.
defaultConfig(User, int) - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration
Returns a default configuration for the given user and partition value.
defaultConfig(User, ObjectId) - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration
Returns a default configuration for the given user and partition value.
defaultSyncErrorHandler(SyncSession.ErrorHandler) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration.Builder
Sets the default error handler used by Synced Realms when reporting errors with their session.
delete(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealm
Deletes all objects of the specified class from the Realm.
delete(Class<? extends RealmModel>) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Deletes all objects of the specified class from the Realm.
deleteAllFromRealm() - Method in class io.realm.OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot
This deletes all objects in the collection from the underlying Realm.
deleteAllFromRealm() - Method in interface io.realm.RealmCollection
This deletes all objects in the collection from the underlying Realm as well as from the collection.
deleteAllFromRealm() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
This deletes all objects in the collection from the underlying Realm as well as from the collection.
deleteApiKey(ObjectId) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.ApiKeyAuth
Deletes a specific API key created by the user.
deleteApiKeyAsync(ObjectId, App.Callback<Void>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.ApiKeyAuth
Deletes a specific API key created by the user.
deleteFirstFromRealm() - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedRealmCollection
Deletes the first object from the Realm.
deleteFirstFromRealm() - Method in class io.realm.OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot
Deletes the first object from the Realm.
deleteFirstFromRealm() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Deletes the first object from the Realm.
deleteFromRealm(int) - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedRealmCollection
Deletes the object at the given index from the Realm.
deleteFromRealm(int) - Method in class io.realm.OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot
Deletes the object at the given index from the Realm.
deleteFromRealm(int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Deletes the object at the given index from the Realm.
deleteFromRealm() - Method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Deletes the object from the Realm it is currently associated to.
deleteFromRealm(E) - Static method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Deletes the object from the Realm it is currently associated with.
deleteLastFromRealm() - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedRealmCollection
Deletes the last object from the Realm.
deleteLastFromRealm() - Method in class io.realm.OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot
Deletes the last object from the Realm.
deleteLastFromRealm() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Deletes the last object from the Realm.
deleteMany(Bson) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter.
deleteOne(Bson) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter.
deleteRealm(RealmConfiguration) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Deletes the Realm file along with the related temporary files specified by the given RealmConfiguration from the filesystem.
deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration.Builder
Setting this will change the behavior of how migration exceptions are handled.
DeleteResult - Class in io.realm.mongodb.mongo.result
The result of a delete operation.
DeleteResult(long) - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.result.DeleteResult
Constructs a result.
DEPRECATED - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode.Type
deregisterDevice() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.push.Push
Deregisters the FCM registration token bound to the currently logged in user's device on MongoDB Realm.
deregisterDeviceAsync(App.Callback<Void>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.push.Push
Deregisters the FCM registration token bound to the currently logged in user's device on MongoDB Realm.
directory(File) - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration.Builder
Specifies the directory where the Realm file will be saved.
disableApiKey(ObjectId) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.ApiKeyAuth
Disables a specific API key created by the user.
disableApiKeyAsync(ObjectId, App.Callback<Void>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.ApiKeyAuth
Disables a specific API key created by the user.
distinct(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Selects a distinct set of objects of a specific class.
distinct(String, String...) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Selects a distinct set of objects of a specific class.
downloadAllServerChanges() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncSession
Calling this method will block until all known remote changes have been downloaded and applied to the Realm.
downloadAllServerChanges(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncSession
Calling this method will block until all known remote changes have been downloaded and applied to the Realm or the specified timeout is hit.
DownloadingRealmInterruptedException - Exception in io.realm.exceptions
Exception class used when a Realm was interrupted while downloading the initial data set.
DownloadingRealmInterruptedException(SyncConfiguration, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.realm.exceptions.DownloadingRealmInterruptedException
DownloadingRealmInterruptedException(SyncConfiguration, String) - Constructor for exception io.realm.exceptions.DownloadingRealmInterruptedException
DynamicRealm - Class in io.realm
DynamicRealm is a dynamic variant of Realm.
DynamicRealm.Callback - Class in io.realm
The Callback used when reporting back the result of loading a Realm asynchronously using either Realm.getInstanceAsync(RealmConfiguration, Realm.Callback) or DynamicRealm.getInstanceAsync(RealmConfiguration, DynamicRealm.Callback).
DynamicRealm.Transaction - Interface in io.realm
Encapsulates a Realm transaction.
DynamicRealmObject - Class in io.realm
Class that wraps a normal RealmObject in order to allow dynamic access instead of a typed interface.
DynamicRealmObject(RealmModel) - Constructor for class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Creates a dynamic Realm object based on an existing object.


emailPassword(String, String) - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.Credentials
Creates credentials representing a login using email and password.
EmailPasswordAuth - Class in io.realm.mongodb.auth
Class encapsulating functionality provided when User's are logged in through the Credentials.IdentityProvider#EMAIL_PASSWORD provider.
enableApiKey(ObjectId) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.ApiKeyAuth
Enables a specific API key created by the user.
enableApiKeyAsync(ObjectId, App.Callback<Void>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.ApiKeyAuth
Enables a specific API key created by the user.
ENCRYPTION_KEY_LENGTH - Static variable in class io.realm.Realm
The required length for encryption keys used to encrypt Realm data.
encryptionKey(byte[]) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration.Builder
Sets the encryption key used to encrypt user meta data only.
encryptionKey(byte[]) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration.Builder
Sets the 64 bytes key used to encrypt and decrypt the Realm file.
encryptionKey(byte[]) - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration.Builder
Sets the 64 byte key used to encrypt and decrypt the Realm file.
endGroup() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
End grouping of conditions ("right parenthesis") which was opened by a call to beginGroup().
endsWith(String, String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Condition that the value of field ends with the specified string.
endsWith(String, String, Case) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Condition that the value of field ends with the specified substring.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
equals(Object) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.ApiKeyAuth
equals(Object) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.UserApiKey
equals(Object) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.log.obfuscator.HttpLogObfuscator
equals(Object) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoNamespace
equals(Object) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.Progress
equals(Object) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration
equals(Object) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
equals(Object) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.UserIdentity
equals(Object) - Method in class io.realm.MutableRealmInteger
Two MutableRealmIntegers are .equals if and only if their longValues are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration
equals(Object) - Method in class io.realm.rx.CollectionChange
equals(Object) - Method in class io.realm.rx.ObjectChange
equals(Object) - Method in class io.realm.rx.RealmObservableFactory
equalTo(String, String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Equal-to comparison.
equalTo(String, String, Case) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Equal-to comparison.
equalTo(String, Decimal128) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Equal-to comparison.
equalTo(String, ObjectId) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Equal-to comparison.
ERROR - Static variable in class io.realm.log.LogLevel
The ERROR level designates error events that might still allow the application to continue running.
error(Throwable) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Logs an LogLevel.ERROR exception.
error(String, Object...) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Logs an LogLevel.ERROR event.
error(Throwable, String, Object...) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Logs an LogLevel.ERROR event.
ErrorCode - Enum in io.realm.mongodb
This class enumerate all potential errors related to using the Object Server or synchronizing data.
ErrorCode.Category - Enum in io.realm.mongodb
ErrorCode.Type - Class in io.realm.mongodb
errorHandler(SyncSession.ErrorHandler) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration.Builder
Sets the error handler used by this configuration.
execute(DynamicRealm) - Method in interface io.realm.DynamicRealm.Transaction
execute(Realm) - Method in interface io.realm.Realm.Transaction
executeClientReset() - Method in exception io.realm.mongodb.sync.ClientResetRequiredError
Calling this method will execute the Client Reset manually instead of waiting until next app restart.
executeTransaction(DynamicRealm.Transaction) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealm
Executes a given transaction on the DynamicRealm.
executeTransaction(Realm.Transaction) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Executes a given transaction on the Realm.
executeTransactionAsync(Realm.Transaction) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Similar to Realm.executeTransaction(Transaction) but runs asynchronously on a worker thread.
executeTransactionAsync(Realm.Transaction, Realm.Transaction.OnSuccess) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Similar to Realm.executeTransactionAsync(Transaction), but also accepts an OnSuccess callback.
executeTransactionAsync(Realm.Transaction, Realm.Transaction.OnError) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Similar to Realm.executeTransactionAsync(Transaction), but also accepts an OnError callback.
executeTransactionAsync(Realm.Transaction, Realm.Transaction.OnSuccess, Realm.Transaction.OnError) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Similar to Realm.executeTransactionAsync(Transaction), but also accepts an OnSuccess and OnError callbacks.


facebook(String) - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.Credentials
Creates credentials representing a login using a Facebook access token.
FATAL - Static variable in class io.realm.log.LogLevel
The FATAL level designates very severe error events that will presumably lead the application to abort.
fatal(Throwable) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Logs a LogLevel.FATAL exception.
fatal(String, Object...) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Logs an LogLevel.FATAL event.
fatal(Throwable, String, Object...) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Logs a LogLevel.FATAL event.
fetchAllApiKeys() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.ApiKeyAuth
Fetches all API keys associated with the user.
fetchAllApiKeys(App.Callback<List<UserApiKey>>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.ApiKeyAuth
Fetches all API keys associated with the user.
fetchApiKey(ObjectId) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.ApiKeyAuth
Fetches a specific user API key associated with the user.
fetchApiKeyAsync(ObjectId, App.Callback<UserApiKey>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.ApiKeyAuth
Fetches a specific user API key associated with the user.
FieldAttribute - Enum in io.realm
This class contains all Realm attributes for a Realm field.
filter(Bson) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.iterable.FindIterable
Sets the query filter to apply to the query.
find() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection.
find(FindOptions) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection using FindOptions to build the query.
find(Class<ResultT>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection specifying an output class.
find(Class<ResultT>, FindOptions) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection specifying an output class and also using FindOptions to build the query.
find(Bson) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection that match the given filter.
find(Bson, FindOptions) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection that match the given filter using FindOptions to build the query.
find(Bson, Class<ResultT>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection that match the given filter specifying an output class.
find(Bson, Class<ResultT>, FindOptions) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds all documents in the collection that match the given filter specifying an output class and also using FindOptions to build the query.
findAll() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Finds all objects that fulfill the query conditions.
findAllAsync() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Finds all objects that fulfill the query conditions.
findFirst() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Finds the first object that fulfills the query conditions.
findFirstAsync() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Similar to RealmQuery.findFirst() but runs asynchronously on a worker thread.
FindIterable<ResultT> - Class in io.realm.mongodb.mongo.iterable
Specific iterable for MongoCollection.find() operations.
FindIterable(ThreadPoolExecutor, <any>, CodecRegistry, Class<ResultT>) - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.iterable.FindIterable
findOne() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds a document in the collection.
findOne(Class<ResultT>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds a document in the collection.
findOne(Bson) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds a document in the collection.
findOne(Bson, Class<ResultT>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds a document in the collection.
findOne(Bson, FindOptions) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds a document in the collection.
findOne(Bson, FindOptions, Class<ResultT>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds a document in the collection.
findOneAndDelete(Bson) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds a document in the collection and delete it.
findOneAndDelete(Bson, Class<ResultT>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds a document in the collection and delete it.
findOneAndDelete(Bson, FindOneAndModifyOptions) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds a document in the collection and delete it.
findOneAndDelete(Bson, FindOneAndModifyOptions, Class<ResultT>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds a document in the collection and delete it.
FindOneAndModifyOptions - Class in io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options
The options to apply to a findOneAndUpdate, findOneAndReplace, or findOneAndDelete operation (also commonly referred to as findOneAndModify operations).
FindOneAndModifyOptions() - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.FindOneAndModifyOptions
findOneAndReplace(Bson, Bson) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds a document in the collection and replaces it with the given document.
findOneAndReplace(Bson, Bson, Class<ResultT>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds a document in the collection and replaces it with the given document.
findOneAndReplace(Bson, Bson, FindOneAndModifyOptions) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds a document in the collection and replaces it with the given document.
findOneAndReplace(Bson, Bson, FindOneAndModifyOptions, Class<ResultT>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds a document in the collection and replaces it with the given document.
findOneAndUpdate(Bson, Bson) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds a document in the collection and performs the given update.
findOneAndUpdate(Bson, Bson, Class<ResultT>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds a document in the collection and performs the given update.
findOneAndUpdate(Bson, Bson, FindOneAndModifyOptions) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds a document in the collection and performs the given update.
findOneAndUpdate(Bson, Bson, FindOneAndModifyOptions, Class<ResultT>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Finds a document in the collection and performs the given update.
FindOptions - Class in io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options
The options to apply to a find operation (also commonly referred to as a query).
FindOptions() - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.FindOptions
Construct a new instance.
first() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.iterable.MongoIterable
Helper to return the first item in the iterator or null.
first() - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedRealmCollection
Gets the first object from the collection.
first(E) - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedRealmCollection
Gets the first object from the collection.
first() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Gets the first object from the collection.
first(E) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Gets the first object from the collection.
forRecovery(String, byte[], Object...) - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration
Returns a RealmConfiguration appropriate to open a read-only, non-synced Realm to recover any pending changes.
forRecovery(String) - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration
Returns a RealmConfiguration appropriate to open a read-only, non-synced Realm to recover any pending changes.
freeze() - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealm
Returns a frozen snapshot of the current Realm.
freeze(OsSharedRealm) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
freeze() - Method in class io.realm.OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot
freeze() - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Returns a frozen snapshot of the current Realm.
freeze() - Method in interface io.realm.RealmCollection
Returns a frozen snapshot of this collection.
freeze() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Returns a frozen snapshot of this collection.
freeze() - Method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Returns a frozen snapshot of this object.
freeze(E) - Static method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Returns a frozen snapshot of this object.
freeze() - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Returns a frozen snapshot of this collection.
from(Realm) - Method in class io.realm.rx.RealmObservableFactory
from(DynamicRealm) - Method in class io.realm.rx.RealmObservableFactory
from(Realm, RealmResults<E>) - Method in class io.realm.rx.RealmObservableFactory
from(DynamicRealm, RealmResults<E>) - Method in class io.realm.rx.RealmObservableFactory
from(Realm, RealmList<E>) - Method in class io.realm.rx.RealmObservableFactory
from(DynamicRealm, RealmList<E>) - Method in class io.realm.rx.RealmObservableFactory
from(Realm, E) - Method in class io.realm.rx.RealmObservableFactory
from(DynamicRealm, DynamicRealmObject) - Method in class io.realm.rx.RealmObservableFactory
from(Realm, RealmQuery<E>) - Method in class io.realm.rx.RealmObservableFactory
from(DynamicRealm, RealmQuery<E>) - Method in class io.realm.rx.RealmObservableFactory
from(Realm) - Method in interface io.realm.rx.RxObservableFactory
Creates a Flowable for a Realm.
from(DynamicRealm) - Method in interface io.realm.rx.RxObservableFactory
Creates a Flowable for a DynamicRealm.
from(Realm, RealmResults<E>) - Method in interface io.realm.rx.RxObservableFactory
Creates a Flowable for a RealmResults.
from(DynamicRealm, RealmResults<E>) - Method in interface io.realm.rx.RxObservableFactory
Creates a Flowable for a RealmResults.
from(Realm, RealmList<E>) - Method in interface io.realm.rx.RxObservableFactory
Creates an Observable for a RealmList.
from(DynamicRealm, RealmList<E>) - Method in interface io.realm.rx.RxObservableFactory
Creates a Flowable for a RealmList.
from(Realm, E) - Method in interface io.realm.rx.RxObservableFactory
Creates a Flowable for a RealmObject.
from(DynamicRealm, DynamicRealmObject) - Method in interface io.realm.rx.RxObservableFactory
Creates a Flowable for a DynamicRealmObject.
from(Realm, RealmQuery<E>) - Method in interface io.realm.rx.RxObservableFactory
Creates a Single from a RealmQuery.
from(DynamicRealm, RealmQuery<E>) - Method in interface io.realm.rx.RxObservableFactory
Creates a Single from a RealmQuery.
fromId(String) - Static method in enum io.realm.mongodb.Credentials.IdentityProvider
Create the identity provider from the ID string returned by MongoDB Realm.
fromNativeError(String, int) - Static method in enum io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode
Converts a native error to the appropriate Java equivalent
fromNativeValue(int) - Static method in enum io.realm.RealmFieldType
Converts the underlying value used by the storage engine to the proper Realm type.
FrozenPendingRow - Enum in io.realm
A PendingRow that has been frozen.
Functions - Class in io.realm.mongodb.functions
A Functions manager to call remote Realm functions for the associated Realm App.


get(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns the value for the given field.
get() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.App.Result
Returns the response in case the request was a success.
get() - Method in interface io.realm.mongodb.RealmResultTask
Blocks the thread on which the call is made until the result of the operation arrives.
get() - Method in class io.realm.MutableRealmInteger
Gets the MutableRealmInteger value.
get(int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Returns the element at the specified location in this list.
get(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmSchema
Returns the RealmObjectSchema for a given class.
getAcceptDefaultValue$realm() - Method in class io.realm.ProxyState
getAccessToken() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns the current access token for the user.
getAll() - Method in class io.realm.RealmSchema
Returns the RealmObjectSchemas for all RealmObject classes that can be saved in this Realm.
getApiKeyAuth() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns a wrapper for managing API keys controlled by the current user.
getApp() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.ApiKeyAuth
Returns the App that this instance in associated with.
getApp() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.functions.Functions
Returns the App that this instance in associated with.
getApp() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns the App this user is associated with.
getAppId() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration
Returns the unique app id that identities the Realm application.
getApplicationContext() - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Get the application context used when initializing Realm with Realm.init(Context) or Realm.init(Context, String).
getAppName() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration
Returns the name used to describe the Realm application.
getAppVersion() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration
Returns the version of this Realm application.
getAsync(App.Callback<T>) - Method in interface io.realm.mongodb.RealmResultTask
Provides a way to subscribe to asynchronous operations via a callback, which handles both results and errors.
getAuthorizationHeaderName() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration
Returns the name of the header used to carry authentication data when making network requests towards MongoDB Realm.
getBackupFile() - Method in exception io.realm.mongodb.sync.ClientResetRequiredError
Returns the location of the backed up Realm file.
getBackupRealmConfiguration() - Method in exception io.realm.mongodb.sync.ClientResetRequiredError
getBaseUrl() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration
Returns the base url for this Realm application.
getBinaryByteArray(long) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
getBirthday() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns the birthday of the user.
getBlob(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns the byte[] value for a given field.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns the boolean value for a given field.
getBoolean(long) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
getByte(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns the byte value for a given field.
getCategory() - Method in exception io.realm.mongodb.AppException
Returns the ErrorCode.Category category for this error.
getCategory() - Method in enum io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode
Returns the getCategory of the error.
getChangedFields() - Method in interface io.realm.ObjectChangeSet
getChangeRanges() - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedCollectionChangeSet
The modified ranges of objects in the new version of the collection.
getChanges() - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedCollectionChangeSet
The modified indices in the new version of the collection.
getChangeset() - Method in class io.realm.rx.CollectionChange
Returns the changeset describing the update.
getChangeset() - Method in class io.realm.rx.ObjectChange
Returns the changeset describing the update.
getClassName() - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Returns the name of the RealmObject class being represented by this schema.
getCodecRegistry() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Gets the codec registry for the MongoCollection.
getCollection(String) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoDatabase
Gets a collection.
getCollection(String, Class<DocumentT>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoDatabase
Gets a collection, with a specific default document class.
getCollection() - Method in class io.realm.rx.CollectionChange
Returns the collection that was updated.
getCollectionName() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoNamespace
Gets the collection name.
getColumnCount() - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
getColumnKey(String) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
getColumnNames() - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
getColumnType(long) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
getCompactOnLaunchCallback() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration
Returns a callback to determine if the Realm file should be compacted before being returned to the user.
getConfiguration() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.App
Returns the configuration object for this app.
getConfiguration() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncSession
Returns the SyncConfiguration that is responsible for controlling the session.
getConnectionState() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncSession
Get the current state of the connection used by the session as defined in ConnectionState.
getCustomData() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Return the custom user data associated with the user in the Realm App.
getCustomRequestHeaders() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration
Returns any custom configured headers that will be sent alongside other headers when making network requests towards MongoDB Realm.
getDatabase(String) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoClient
Gets a MongoDatabase instance for the given database name.
getDatabaseName() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoNamespace
Gets the database name.
getDate(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns the Date value for a given field.
getDate(long) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
getDecimal128(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns the Decimal128 value for a given field.
getDecimal128(long) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
getDefaultCodecRegistry() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration
Returns the default codec registry used to encode and decode BSON arguments and results when calling remote Realm Functions and accessing a remote MongoDatabase.
getDefaultCodecRegistry() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.functions.Functions
Returns the default codec registry used for encoding arguments and decoding results for this Realm functions instance.
getDefaultConfiguration() - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Returns the default configuration for Realm.getDefaultInstance().
getDefaultErrorHandler() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration
Returns the default error handler used by synced Realms if there are problems with their SyncSession.
getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Realm static constructor that returns the Realm instance defined by the RealmConfiguration set by Realm.setDefaultConfiguration(RealmConfiguration)
getDefaultModule() - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Returns the default Realm module.
getDeletedCount() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.result.DeleteResult
Gets the number of documents deleted.
getDeletionRanges() - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedCollectionChangeSet
The deleted ranges of objects in the previous version of the collection.
getDeletions() - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedCollectionChangeSet
The deleted indices in the previous version of the collection.
getDescription() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Returns a textual description of this query.
getDeviceId() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns a unique identifier for the device the user logged in to.
getDocumentClass() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Gets the class of documents stored in this collection.
getDouble(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns the double value for a given field.
getDouble(long) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
getDurability() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration
getDynamicRealm() - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns DynamicRealm instance where this DynamicRealmObject belongs.
getEmail() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns the email address of the user.
getEmailPasswordAuth() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.App
Returns a wrapper for interacting with functionality related to users either being created or logged in using the Credentials.IdentityProvider.EMAIL_PASSWORD identity provider.
getEncryptionKey() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration
Returns the encryption key, if any, that is used to encrypt Realm users meta data on this device.
getEncryptionKey() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration
getError() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.App.Result
Returns the error in case of a failed request.
getError() - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedCollectionChangeSet
Returns any error that happened.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception io.realm.mongodb.AppException
Returns the ErrorCode identifying the type of error.
getErrorHandler() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration
Returns the error handler for this SyncConfiguration.
getErrorIntValue() - Method in exception io.realm.mongodb.AppException
Returns an integer representing this specific type of error.
getErrorMessage() - Method in exception io.realm.mongodb.AppException
Returns a more detailed error message about the cause of this error.
getErrorType() - Method in exception io.realm.mongodb.AppException
Returns a string describing the type of error it is.
getException() - Method in exception io.realm.mongodb.AppException
Returns the underlying exception causing this error, if any.
getExcludeFields$realm() - Method in class io.realm.ProxyState
getFieldNames() - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns the list of field names on this object.
getFieldNames() - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Returns all fields in this class.
getFieldType(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns the type used by the underlying storage engine to represent this field.
getFieldType(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Returns the type used by the underlying storage engine to represent this field.
getFirstName() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Return the first name of the user.
getFloat(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns the float value for a given field.
getFloat(long) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
getFractionTransferred() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.Progress
The fraction of bytes transferred out of all transferable bytes.
getFullName() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoNamespace
Gets the full name, which is the database name and the collection name, separated by a period.
getFunctions(User) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.App
Returns a Functions manager for invoking the Realm App's Realm Functions.
getFunctions(User, CodecRegistry) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.App
Returns a Functions manager for invoking the Realm App's Realm Functions with a custom codec registry for encoding and decoding arguments and results.
getFunctions() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns a functions manager for invoking MongoDB Realm Functions.
getFunctions(CodecRegistry) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns a functions manager for invoking Realm Functions with custom codec registry for encoding and decoding arguments and results.
getGender() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns the gender of the user.
getGlobalInstanceCount(RealmConfiguration) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Returns the current number of open Realm instances across all threads in current process that are using this configuration.
getHttpLogObfuscator() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration
Returns the HttpLogObfuscator used in the app, which keeps sensitive information in HTTP requests from being displayed in the logcat.
getId() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.UserApiKey
Returns the unique identifier for this key.
getId() - Method in enum io.realm.mongodb.Credentials.IdentityProvider
Return the string presentation of this identity provider.
getId() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns the server id of the user.
getId() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.UserIdentity
Returns a unique identifier for this identity.
getIdentities() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns a new list of the user's identities.
getIdentityProvider() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.Credentials
Returns the identity provider used to authenticate with.
getInitialRemoteDataTimeout(TimeUnit) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration
Returns the timeout defined when downloading any initial data the first time the Realm is opened.
getInsertedId() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.result.InsertOneResult
Returns the _id of the inserted document.
getInsertedIds() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.InsertManyResult
Returns the _ids of the inserted documents arranged by the index of the document from the operation and its corresponding id.
getInsertionRanges() - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedCollectionChangeSet
The inserted ranges of objects in the new version of the collection.
getInsertions() - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedCollectionChangeSet
The inserted indices in the new version of the collection.
getInstance(RealmConfiguration) - Static method in class io.realm.DynamicRealm
Realm static constructor that returns a dynamic variant of the Realm instance defined by provided RealmConfiguration.
getInstance(RealmConfiguration) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Realm static constructor that returns the Realm instance defined by provided RealmConfiguration
getInstanceAsync(RealmConfiguration, DynamicRealm.Callback) - Static method in class io.realm.DynamicRealm
The creation of the first Realm instance per RealmConfiguration in a process can take some time as all initialization code need to run at that point (Setting up the Realm, validating schemas and creating initial data).
getInstanceAsync(RealmConfiguration, Realm.Callback) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
The creation of the first Realm instance per RealmConfiguration in a process can take some time as all initialization code need to run at that point (setting up the Realm, validating schemas and creating initial data).
getInt(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns the int value for a given field.
getKind() - Method in exception io.realm.exceptions.RealmFileException
Gets the RealmFileException.kind of this exception.
getLastName() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Return the last name of the user.
getLevel() - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Get the current LogLevel.
getLimit() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.CountOptions
Gets the limit to apply.
getLimit() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.FindOptions
Gets the limit to apply.
getLink(long) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
getList(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns the RealmList of DynamicRealmObjects being linked from the given field.
getList(String, Class<E>) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns the RealmList containing only primitive values.
getLocalId() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns the local id for this user.
getLocalInstanceCount(RealmConfiguration) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Returns the current number of open Realm instances on the thread calling this method.
getLong(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns the long value for a given field.
getLong(long) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
getMatchedCount() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.result.UpdateResult
Returns the number of documents matched by the query.
getMaxAge() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns the maximum age of the user.
getMaxNumberOfActiveVersions() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration
getMigration() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration
getMinAge() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns the minimum age of the user.
getModelList(long) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
getModifiedCount() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.result.UpdateResult
Returns the number of documents modified.
getMongoClient(String) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns a MongoClient instance for accessing documents in the database.
getName() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.UserApiKey
Returns the name of this key.
getName() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoDatabase
Gets the name of the database.
getName() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns the name of the user.
getNamespace() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Gets the namespace of this collection, i.e.
getNativeValue() - Method in enum io.realm.RealmFieldType
Returns the native value representing this type.
getObject(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns the object being linked to from this field.
getObject() - Method in class io.realm.rx.ObjectChange
getObjectId(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns the ObjectId value for a given field.
getObjectId(long) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
getObjectKey() - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
getOrCreateSession(SyncConfiguration) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.Sync
Gets any cached SyncSession for the given SyncConfiguration or create a new one if no one exists.
getOrDefault(T) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.App.Result
Returns the response if the request was a success.
getOriginalFile() - Method in exception io.realm.mongodb.sync.ClientResetRequiredError
Returns the location of the original Realm file.
getOrThrow() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.App.Result
If the request was successful the response is returned, otherwise the provided error is thrown.
getPartitionValue() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration
Returns the value this Realm is partitioned on.
getPath() - Method in exception io.realm.exceptions.RealmMigrationNeededException
Returns the canonical path to the Realm file that needs to be migrated.
getPath() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration
Returns the absolute path to where the Realm file will be saved.
getPictureUrl() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns the picture URL of the user.
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Returns the name of the primary key field.
getProjection() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.FindOneAndModifyOptions
Gets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
getProjection() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.FindOptions
Gets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
getProvider() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.UserIdentity
Returns the provider defining this identity.
getProviderType() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns the provider type used to log the user
getPush(String) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns the Push instance for managing push notification registrations.
getRealm() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Returns the Realm instance to which this collection belongs.
getRealm() - Method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Returns Realm instance where this RealmObject belongs.
getRealm(RealmModel) - Static method in class io.realm.RealmObject
returns Realm instance where the model belongs.
getRealm() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Returns the Realm instance to which this query belongs.
getRealm$realm() - Method in class io.realm.ProxyState
getRealmDirectory() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration
getRealmFileName() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration
getRealmObjectClasses() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration
Returns the unmodifiable Set of model classes that make up the schema for this Realm.
getRefreshToken() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns the current refresh token for the user.
getRequestTimeoutMs() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration
Returns the default timeout for network requests against the Realm application in milliseconds.
getRow$realm() - Method in class io.realm.ProxyState
getRxFactory() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration
Returns the RxObservableFactory that is used to create Rx Observables from Realm objects.
getSchema() - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealm
Returns the mutable schema for this Realm.
getSchema() - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Returns the schema for this Realm.
getSchemaVersion() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration
getServerUrl() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration
Returns the server URI for the remote MongoDB Realm the local Realm is synchronizing with.
getServerUrl() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncSession
Returns the URI describing the remote Realm which this session connects to and synchronizes changes with.
getSession(SyncConfiguration) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.Sync
Gets a cached SyncSession for the given SyncConfiguration or throw if no one exists yet.
getSessionStopPolicy() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration
NOTE: Only for internal usage.
getShort(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns the short value for a given field.
getSort() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.FindOneAndModifyOptions
Gets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
getSort() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.FindOptions
Gets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
getState() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncSession
Get the current session's state, as defined in SyncSession.State.
getState() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns the User.State the user is in.
getState() - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedCollectionChangeSet
Returns the state represented by this change.
getString(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns the String value for a given field.
getString(long) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
getSync() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.App
Returns the Sync instance managing the ongoing Realm Sync sessions synchronizing data between the local and the remote Realm App associated with this app.
getSyncRootDirectory() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration
Returns the root folder containing all files and Realms used when synchronizing data between the device and MongoDB Realm.
getTable() - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
getTransferableBytes() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.Progress
Returns the total number of transferable bytes (bytes that have been transferred + bytes pending transfer).
getTransferredBytes() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.Progress
Returns the total number of bytes that has been transferred since the ProgressListener was added.
getType() - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns the type of object.
getType() - Method in enum io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode
Returns the type of error.
getTypeQueried() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Returns the internal Realm name of the type being queried.
getUpsertedId() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.result.UpdateResult
If the replace resulted in an inserted document, gets the _id of the inserted document, otherwise null.
getUrlPrefix() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration
Returns the url prefix used when establishing a sync connection to the Realm Object Server.
getUser() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.ApiKeyAuth
Returns the User that this instance in associated with.
getUser() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.functions.Functions
Returns the User that this instance in associated with.
getUser() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration
Returns the user.
getUser() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncSession
Returns the User defined by the SyncConfiguration that is used to connect to MongoDB Realm.
getValue() - Method in enum io.realm.Case
Returns the value for this setting that is used by the underlying query engine.
getValue() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.UserApiKey
Returns this keys value.
getValue() - Method in enum io.realm.Sort
Returns the value for this setting that is used by the underlying query engine.
getValueList(long, RealmFieldType) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
google(String) - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.Credentials
Creates credentials representing a login using a Google access token.
greaterThan(String, int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than comparison.
greaterThan(String, long) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than comparison.
greaterThan(String, double) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than comparison.
greaterThan(String, float) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than comparison.
greaterThan(String, Date) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than comparison.
greaterThan(String, Decimal128) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than comparison.
greaterThan(String, ObjectId) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than comparison.
greaterThanOrEqualTo(String, int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison.
greaterThanOrEqualTo(String, long) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison.
greaterThanOrEqualTo(String, double) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison.
greaterThanOrEqualTo(String, float) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison.
greaterThanOrEqualTo(String, Date) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison.
greaterThanOrEqualTo(String, Decimal128) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison.
greaterThanOrEqualTo(String, ObjectId) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison.


hasColumn(String) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
hasField(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Checks whether an object has the given field or not.
hasField(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Tests if the class has field defined with the given name.
hashCode() - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns a hash code value for the DynamicRealmObject object.
hashCode() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.ApiKeyAuth
hashCode() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.UserApiKey
hashCode() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.log.obfuscator.HttpLogObfuscator
hashCode() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoNamespace
hashCode() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.Progress
hashCode() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration
hashCode() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
hashCode() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.UserIdentity
hashCode() - Method in class io.realm.MutableRealmInteger
A MutableRealmInteger's hash code is, exactly, the hash code of its value.
hashCode() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration
hashCode() - Method in class io.realm.rx.CollectionChange
hashCode() - Method in class io.realm.rx.ObjectChange
hashCode() - Method in class io.realm.rx.RealmObservableFactory
hasIndex(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Checks if a given field has an index defined.
hasNext() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.iterable.MongoCursor
hasPrimaryKey() - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Checks if the class has a primary key defined.
HTTP - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode.Type
httpLogObfuscator(HttpLogObfuscator) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration.Builder
Sets the HttpLogObfuscator used to keep sensitive information in HTTP requests from being displayed in the logcat.
HttpLogObfuscator - Class in io.realm.mongodb.log.obfuscator
The HttpLogObfuscator keeps sensitive information from being displayed in Logcat.
HttpLogObfuscator(String, Map<String, RegexPatternObfuscator>) - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.log.obfuscator.HttpLogObfuscator
Constructor for creating an HTTP log obfuscator.


Ignore - Annotation Type in io.realm.annotations
ImportFlag - Enum in io.realm
This class describe how data is saved to Realm when saving whole objects.
in(String, String[]) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
In comparison.
in(String, String[], Case) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
In comparison.
in(String, Byte[]) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
In comparison.
in(String, Short[]) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
In comparison.
in(String, Integer[]) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
In comparison.
in(String, Long[]) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
In comparison.
in(String, Double[]) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
In comparison.
in(String, Float[]) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
In comparison.
in(String, Boolean[]) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
In comparison.
in(String, Date[]) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
In comparison.
increment(long) - Method in class io.realm.MutableRealmInteger
Increments the MutableRealmInteger, adding the value of the argument.
Index - Annotation Type in io.realm.annotations
This annotation will add a search index to the field.
INFO - Static variable in class io.realm.log.LogLevel
The INFO level designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level.
info(Throwable) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Logs an LogLevel.INFO exception.
info(String, Object...) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Logs an LogLevel.INFO event.
info(Throwable, String, Object...) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Logs an LogLevel.INFO event.
init(Context) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Initializes the Realm library and creates a default configuration that is ready to use.
init(Context, String) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Initializes the Realm library and creates a default configuration that is ready to use.
initialData(Realm.Transaction) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration.Builder
Sets the initial data in Realm.
initialData(Realm.Transaction) - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration.Builder
Sets the initial data in Realm.
inMemory() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration.Builder
Setting this will create an in-memory Realm instead of saving it to disk.
inMemory() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration.Builder
Setting this will create an in-memory Realm instead of saving it to disk.
insert(Collection<? extends RealmModel>) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Inserts a list of an unmanaged RealmObjects.
insert(RealmModel) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Inserts an unmanaged RealmObject.
insertMany(List<? extends DocumentT>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Inserts one or more documents.
InsertManyResult - Class in io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options
The result of an insert many operation.
InsertManyResult(Map<Long, BsonValue>) - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.InsertManyResult
Constructs a result.
insertOne(DocumentT) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Inserts the provided document.
InsertOneResult - Class in io.realm.mongodb.mongo.result
The result of an insert one operation.
InsertOneResult(BsonValue) - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.result.InsertOneResult
Constructs a result.
insertOrUpdate(Collection<? extends RealmModel>) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Inserts or updates a list of unmanaged RealmObjects.
insertOrUpdate(RealmModel) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Inserts or updates an unmanaged RealmObject.
intValue() - Method in enum io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode
Returns the numerical value for this error code.
io.realm - package io.realm
io.realm.annotations - package io.realm.annotations
io.realm.exceptions - package io.realm.exceptions
io.realm.log - package io.realm.log
io.realm.mongodb - package io.realm.mongodb
io.realm.mongodb.auth - package io.realm.mongodb.auth
io.realm.mongodb.functions - package io.realm.mongodb.functions
io.realm.mongodb.log.obfuscator - package io.realm.mongodb.log.obfuscator
io.realm.mongodb.mongo - package io.realm.mongodb.mongo
io.realm.mongodb.mongo.iterable - package io.realm.mongodb.mongo.iterable
io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options - package io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options
io.realm.mongodb.mongo.result - package io.realm.mongodb.mongo.result
io.realm.mongodb.push - package io.realm.mongodb.push
io.realm.mongodb.sync - package io.realm.mongodb.sync
io.realm.rx - package io.realm.rx
isCancelled() - Method in interface io.realm.RealmAsyncTask
Checks whether an attempt to cancel the transaction was performed.
isConnected() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncSession
Checks if the session is connected to the server and can synchronize data.
isDeleted() - Method in interface io.realm.ObjectChangeSet
isEmbedded() - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Returns true if objects of this type are considered "embedded".
isEmpty() - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealm
Checks if this Realm contains any objects.
isEmpty() - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Checks if this Realm contains any objects.
isEmpty(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Condition that finds values that are considered "empty" i.e., an empty list, the 0-length string or byte array.
isEnabled() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.UserApiKey
Returns whether or not this key is currently enabled.
isFieldChanged(String) - Method in interface io.realm.ObjectChangeSet
Checks if a given field has been changed.
isFrozen() - Method in class io.realm.OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot
isFrozen() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
isFrozen() - Method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Returns whether or not this RealmObject is frozen.
isFrozen(E) - Static method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Returns whether or not this RealmObject is frozen.
isFrozen() - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
isLoaded() - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
isLoaded() - Method in class io.realm.OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot
Checks if a collection has finished loading its data yet.
isLoaded() - Method in class io.realm.ProxyState
isLoaded() - Method in interface io.realm.RealmCollection
Checks if a collection has finished loading its data yet.
isLoaded() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Checks if a collection has finished loading its data yet.
isLoaded() - Method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Checks if the query used to find this RealmObject has completed.
isLoaded(E) - Static method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Checks if the query used to find this RealmObject has completed.
isLoaded() - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Returns false if the results are not yet loaded, true if they are loaded.
isLoggedIn() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Returns true if the user is currently logged in.
isManaged() - Method in interface io.realm.RealmCollection
Checks if the collection is managed by Realm.
isManaged() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Checks if the collection is managed by Realm.
isManaged() - Method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Checks if this object is managed by Realm.
isManaged(E) - Static method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Checks if this object is managed by Realm.
isNotEmpty(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Condition that finds values that are considered "Not-empty" i.e., a list, a string or a byte array with not-empty values.
isNotNull(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Tests if a field is not null.
isNull(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Checks if the value of a given field is null.
isNull(long) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
isNull() - Method in class io.realm.MutableRealmInteger
isNull(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Tests if a field is null.
isNullable(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Checks if a given field is nullable i.e., it is allowed to contain null values.
isNullLink(long) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
isPrimaryKey(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Checks if a given field is the primary key field.
isReadOnly() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration
Returns whether this Realm is read-only or not.
isRecoveryConfiguration() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration
isRequired(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Checks if a given field is required i.e., it is not allowed to contain null values.
isReturnNewDocument() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.FindOneAndModifyOptions
Returns true if the findOneAndModify operation should return the new document.
isSuccess() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.App.Result
Returns whether or not request was successful
isTransferComplete() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.Progress
Returns true when all pending bytes have been transferred.
isUnderConstruction() - Method in class io.realm.ProxyState
isUpsert() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.FindOneAndModifyOptions
Returns true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
isUpsert() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.UpdateOptions
Returns true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
isValid() - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
isValid() - Method in interface io.realm.RealmCollection
Checks if the collection is still valid to use, i.e., the Realm instance hasn't been closed.
isValid(Object) - Method in enum io.realm.RealmFieldType
Checks if the given Java object can be converted to the underlying Realm type.
isValid() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Checks if the collection is still valid to use, i.e., the Realm instance hasn't been closed.
isValid() - Method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Checks if the RealmObject is still valid to use i.e., the RealmObject hasn't been deleted nor has the Realm been closed.
isValid(E) - Static method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Checks if the RealmObject is still valid to use i.e., the RealmObject hasn't been deleted nor has the Realm been closed.
isValid() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Checks if RealmQuery is still valid to use i.e., the Realm instance hasn't been closed and any parent RealmResults is still valid.
iterator() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.iterable.MongoIterable
Returns a cursor of the operation represented by this iterable.
iterator() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList


JAVA - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode.Type
JSON - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode.Type
jwt(String) - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.Credentials
Creates credentials representing a login using a JWT Token.


last() - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedRealmCollection
Gets the last object from the collection.
last(E) - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedRealmCollection
Gets the last object from the collection.
last() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Gets the last object from the collection.
last(E) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Gets the last object from the collection.
length - Variable in class io.realm.OrderedCollectionChangeSet.Range
How many elements are inside this range.
lessThan(String, int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Less-than comparison.
lessThan(String, long) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Less-than comparison.
lessThan(String, Decimal128) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Less-than comparison.
lessThan(String, ObjectId) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Less-than comparison.
lessThanOrEqualTo(String, int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Less-than-or-equal-to comparison.
lessThanOrEqualTo(String, long) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Less-than-or-equal-to comparison.
lessThanOrEqualTo(String, Decimal128) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Less-than-or-equal-to comparison.
lessThanOrEqualTo(String, ObjectId) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Less-than-or-equal-to comparison.
like(String, String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Condition that the value of field matches with the specified substring, with wildcards: '*' matches [0, n] unicode chars '?' matches a single unicode char.
like(String, String, Case) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Condition that the value of field matches with the specified substring, with wildcards: '*' matches [0, n] unicode chars '?' matches a single unicode char.
limit(int) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.iterable.FindIterable
Sets the limit to apply.
limit(int) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.CountOptions
Sets the limit to apply.
limit(int) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.FindOptions
Sets the limit to apply.
limit(long) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Limits the number of objects returned in case the query matched more objects.
linkCredentials(Credentials) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Links the current user with a new user identity represented by the given credentials.
linkCredentialsAsync(Credentials, App.Callback<User>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Links the current user with a new user identity represented by the given credentials.
LinkingObjects - Annotation Type in io.realm.annotations
Annotation for defining a reverse relationship from one class to another.
linkingObjects(String, String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Returns RealmResults containing all srcClassName class objects that have a relationship to this object from srcFieldName field.
listIterator() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
listIterator(int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
load() - Method in class io.realm.OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot
Blocks the collection until all data are available.
load() - Method in class io.realm.ProxyState
load() - Method in interface io.realm.RealmCollection
Blocks the collection until all data are available.
load() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Blocks the collection until all data are available.
load() - Method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Makes an asynchronous query blocking.
load(E) - Static method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Makes an asynchronous query blocking.
load() - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Makes an asynchronous query blocking.
log(int, String, Throwable, String) - Method in interface io.realm.log.RealmLogger
Handles a log event.
loggedIn(User) - Method in interface io.realm.mongodb.AuthenticationListener
A user was logged into the Object Server
loggedOut(User) - Method in interface io.realm.mongodb.AuthenticationListener
A user was successfully logged out from the Object Server.
login(Credentials) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.App
Logs in as a user with the given credentials associated with an authentication provider.
loginAsync(Credentials, App.Callback<User>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.App
Logs in as a user with the given credentials associated with an authentication provider.
loginObfuscators - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration
Default obfuscators for login requests used in a MongoDB Realm app.
LogLevel - Class in io.realm.log
The Log levels defined and used by Realm when logging events in the API.
LogLevel() - Constructor for class io.realm.log.LogLevel
logOut() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Log the user out of the Realm App.
logOutAsync(App.Callback<User>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Log the user out of the Realm App asynchronously.


max(String) - Method in interface io.realm.RealmCollection
Finds the maximum value of a field.
max(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Finds the maximum value of a field.
max(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Finds the maximum value of a field.
maxDate(String) - Method in interface io.realm.RealmCollection
Finds the maximum date.
maxDate(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Finds the maximum date.
maximumDate(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Finds the maximum value of a field.
maxNumberOfActiveVersions(long) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration.Builder
Sets the maximum number of live versions in the Realm file before an IllegalStateException is thrown when attempting to write more data.
maxNumberOfActiveVersions(long) - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration.Builder
Sets the maximum number of live versions in the Realm file before an IllegalStateException is thrown when attempting to write more data.
migrate(DynamicRealm, long, long) - Method in interface io.realm.RealmMigration
This method will be called if a migration is needed.
migrateRealm(RealmConfiguration) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Manually triggers the migration associated with a given RealmConfiguration.
migrateRealm(RealmConfiguration, RealmMigration) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Manually triggers a migration on a RealmMigration.
migration(RealmMigration) - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration.Builder
Sets the RealmMigration to be run if a migration is needed.
min(String) - Method in interface io.realm.RealmCollection
Finds the minimum value of a field.
min(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Finds the minimum value of a field.
min(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Finds the minimum value of a field.
minDate(String) - Method in interface io.realm.RealmCollection
Finds the minimum date.
minDate(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Finds the minimum date.
minimumDate(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Finds the minimum value of a field.
MISC - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode.Type
modules(Object, Object...) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration.Builder
Replaces the existing module(s) with one or more RealmModules.
modules(Iterable<Object>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration.Builder
Replaces the existing module(s) with one or more RealmModules.
modules(Object, Object...) - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration.Builder
Replaces the existing module(s) with one or more RealmModules.
MongoClient - Class in io.realm.mongodb.mongo
The remote MongoClient used for working with data in MongoDB remotely via Realm.
MongoCollection<DocumentT> - Class in io.realm.mongodb.mongo
The MongoCollection interface provides read and write access to documents.
MongoCursor<ResultT> - Class in io.realm.mongodb.mongo.iterable
The Mongo Cursor class is fundamentally an Iterator containing an additional tryNext() method for convenience.
MongoDatabase - Class in io.realm.mongodb.mongo
The RemoteMongoDatabase provides access to its Document MongoCollections.
MongoIterable<ResultT> - Class in io.realm.mongodb.mongo.iterable
The MongoIterable is the results from an operation, such as a find() or an aggregate() query.
MongoNamespace - Class in io.realm.mongodb.mongo
A MongoDB namespace, which includes a database name and collection name.
MongoNamespace(String) - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoNamespace
Construct an instance for the given full name.
MongoNamespace(String, String) - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoNamespace
Construct an instance from the given database name and collection name.
move(int, int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Moves an object from one position to another, while maintaining a fixed sized list.
MutableRealmInteger - Class in io.realm
A MutableRealmInteger is a mutable, Long-like numeric quantity.


name(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration.Builder
Sets the filename for the Realm file.
NETWORK_POOL_EXECUTOR - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.App
Thread pool used when doing network requests against MongoDB Realm.
next() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.iterable.MongoCursor
not() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Negate condition.
notEqualTo(String, String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Not-equal-to comparison.
notEqualTo(String, String, Case) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Not-equal-to comparison.
notEqualTo(String, Decimal128) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Not-equal-to comparison.
notEqualTo(String, ObjectId) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Not-equal-to comparison.
nullifyLink(long) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow


obfuscate(List<String>, String) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.log.obfuscator.HttpLogObfuscator
Obfuscates a logcat entry or not depending on whether the request being sent matches the specified feature.
ObjectChange<E extends RealmModel> - Class in io.realm.rx
Container wrapping the result of a RealmObjectChangeListener being triggered.
ObjectChange(E, ObjectChangeSet) - Constructor for class io.realm.rx.ObjectChange
Constructor for a ObjectChange.
ObjectChangeSet - Interface in io.realm
Information about the changes made to an object.
OFF - Static variable in class io.realm.log.LogLevel
The OFF has the highest possible rank and is intended to turn off logging.
ofNull() - Static method in class io.realm.MutableRealmInteger
Creates a new, unmanaged MutableRealmInteger whose value is null.
onChange(ConnectionState, ConnectionState) - Method in interface io.realm.mongodb.sync.ConnectionListener
A change in the connection to the server was detected.
onChange(Progress) - Method in interface io.realm.mongodb.sync.ProgressListener
This method will be called periodically from the underlying Object Server Client responsible for uploading and downloading changes from the remote Object Server.
onChange(T, OrderedCollectionChangeSet) - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedRealmCollectionChangeListener
This will be called when the async query is finished the first time or the collection of objects has changed.
onChange(T) - Method in interface io.realm.RealmChangeListener
Called when a transaction is committed.
onChange(T, ObjectChangeSet) - Method in interface io.realm.RealmObjectChangeListener
When this gets called to return the results of an asynchronous query made by RealmQuery.findFirstAsync(), changeSet will be null.
onError(Throwable) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealm.Callback
Deliver an error happens when creating the Realm instance to the caller thread.
onError(SyncSession, AppException) - Method in interface io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncSession.ErrorHandler
Callback for errors on a session object.
onError(Throwable) - Method in class io.realm.Realm.Callback
Deliver an error happens when creating the Realm instance to the caller thread.
onError(Exception) - Method in class io.realm.Realm.Transaction.Callback
onError(Throwable) - Method in interface io.realm.Realm.Transaction.OnError
onQueryFinished(Row) - Method in class io.realm.ProxyState
onResult(App.Result<T>) - Method in interface io.realm.mongodb.App.Callback
Returns the result of the request when available.
onSuccess(DynamicRealm) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealm.Callback
Deliver a Realm instance to the caller thread.
onSuccess(Realm) - Method in class io.realm.Realm.Callback
Deliver a Realm instance to the caller thread.
onSuccess() - Method in class io.realm.Realm.Transaction.Callback
onSuccess() - Method in interface io.realm.Realm.Transaction.OnSuccess
or() - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Logical-or two conditions.
OrderedCollectionChangeSet - Interface in io.realm
This interface describes the changes made to a collection during the last update.
OrderedCollectionChangeSet.Range - Class in io.realm
OrderedCollectionChangeSet.State - Enum in io.realm
State describing the nature of the changeset.
OrderedRealmCollection<E> - Interface in io.realm
An OrderedRealmCollection is a collection which maintains an ordering for its elements.
OrderedRealmCollectionChangeListener<T> - Interface in io.realm
OrderedRealmCollectionChangeListener can be registered with a RealmResults to receive a notification with a OrderedCollectionChangeSet to describe the details of what have been changed in the collection from last time.
OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot<E> - Class in io.realm


PrimaryKey - Annotation Type in io.realm.annotations
The @PrimaryKey annotation will mark a field as a primary key inside Realm.
Progress - Class in io.realm.mongodb.sync
Class used to encapsulate progress notifications when either downloading or uploading Realm data.
ProgressListener - Interface in io.realm.mongodb.sync
Interface used when interested in updates on data either being uploaded to or downloaded from a Realm Object Server.
ProgressMode - Enum in io.realm.mongodb.sync
Enum describing how to listen to progress changes.
projection(Bson) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.iterable.FindIterable
Sets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
projection(Bson) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.FindOneAndModifyOptions
Sets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
projection(Bson) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.FindOptions
Sets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents.
PROTOCOL - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode.Type
ProxyState<E extends RealmModel> - Class in io.realm
This implements RealmObjectProxy interface, to eliminate copying logic between RealmObject and DynamicRealmObject.
ProxyState() - Constructor for class io.realm.ProxyState
ProxyState(E) - Constructor for class io.realm.ProxyState
Push - Class in io.realm.mongodb.push
The Push client allows to register/deregister for push notifications from a client app.
Push(OsPush) - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.push.Push


Range(int, int) - Constructor for class io.realm.OrderedCollectionChangeSet.Range
Creates a OrderedCollectionChangeSet.Range with given start index and length.
readOnly() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration.Builder
Setting this will cause the Realm to become read only and all write transactions made against this Realm will fail with an IllegalStateException.
readOnly() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration.Builder
Setting this will cause the Realm to become read only and all write transactions made against this Realm will fail with an IllegalStateException.
Realm - Class in io.realm
The Realm class is the storage and transactional manager of your object persistent store.
realm$injectObjectContext() - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Realm.Callback - Class in io.realm
The Callback used when reporting back the result of loading a Realm asynchronously using either Realm.getInstanceAsync(RealmConfiguration, Realm.Callback) or DynamicRealm.getInstanceAsync(RealmConfiguration, DynamicRealm.Callback).
Realm.Transaction - Interface in io.realm
Encapsulates a Realm transaction.
Realm.Transaction.Callback - Class in io.realm
Callback invoked to notify the caller thread.
Realm.Transaction.OnError - Interface in io.realm
Callback invoked to notify the caller thread about error during the transaction.
Realm.Transaction.OnSuccess - Interface in io.realm
Callback invoked to notify the caller thread about the success of the transaction.
RealmAsyncTask - Interface in io.realm
Represents a pending asynchronous Realm task, like asynchronous transactions.
RealmChangeListener<T> - Interface in io.realm
RealmChangeListener can be registered with a Realm, RealmResults or RealmObject to receive a notification about updates.
RealmClass - Annotation Type in io.realm.annotations
Interface used to mark a class that can be persisted by Realm.
RealmCollection<E> - Interface in io.realm
RealmCollection is the root of the collection hierarchy that Realm supports.
RealmConfiguration - Class in io.realm
A RealmConfiguration is used to setup a specific Realm instance.
RealmConfiguration.Builder - Class in io.realm
RealmConfiguration.Builder used to construct instances of a RealmConfiguration in a fluent manner.
RealmError - Error in io.realm.exceptions
RealmError is Realm specific Error used when unrecoverable problems happen in the underlying storage engine.
RealmError(String) - Constructor for error io.realm.exceptions.RealmError
RealmException - Exception in io.realm.exceptions
RealmException is Realm specific exceptions.
RealmException(String) - Constructor for exception io.realm.exceptions.RealmException
RealmException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.realm.exceptions.RealmException
RealmField - Annotation Type in io.realm.annotations
Annotation used on fields in Realm model classes.
RealmFieldType - Enum in io.realm
List of the types used by Realm's underlying storage engine.
RealmFileException - Exception in io.realm.exceptions
Class for reporting problems when accessing the Realm related files.
RealmFileException(byte, String) - Constructor for exception io.realm.exceptions.RealmFileException
RealmFileException(RealmFileException.Kind, String) - Constructor for exception io.realm.exceptions.RealmFileException
RealmFileException(RealmFileException.Kind, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.realm.exceptions.RealmFileException
RealmFileException(RealmFileException.Kind, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.realm.exceptions.RealmFileException
RealmFileException.Kind - Enum in io.realm.exceptions
The specific kind of this RealmFileException.
realmGet$proxyState() - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
RealmList<E> - Class in io.realm
RealmList is used to model one-to-many relationships in a RealmObject.
RealmList() - Constructor for class io.realm.RealmList
Creates a RealmList in unmanaged mode, where the elements are not controlled by a Realm.
RealmList(E...) - Constructor for class io.realm.RealmList
Creates a RealmList in unmanaged mode with an initial list of elements.
RealmLog - Class in io.realm.log
Global logger used by all Realm components.
RealmLog() - Constructor for class io.realm.log.RealmLog
RealmLogger - Interface in io.realm.log
Interface for custom loggers that can be registered at RealmLog.add(RealmLogger).
RealmMigration - Interface in io.realm
The RealmMigration class is used to perform the migration of one Realm schema to another.
RealmMigrationNeededException - Exception in io.realm.exceptions
RealmMigrationNeededException(String, String) - Constructor for exception io.realm.exceptions.RealmMigrationNeededException
RealmModel - Interface in io.realm
Interface for marking classes as RealmObjects, it can be used instead of extending RealmObject.
RealmModule - Annotation Type in io.realm.annotations
By default a Realm can store all classes extending RealmObject in a project.
RealmNamingPolicy - Enum in io.realm.annotations
This enum defines the possible ways class and field names can be mapped from what is used in Java to the name used internally in the Realm file.
RealmObject - Class in io.realm
In Realm you define your RealmObject classes by sub-classing RealmObject and adding fields to be persisted.
RealmObject() - Constructor for class io.realm.RealmObject
RealmObjectChangeListener<T extends RealmModel> - Interface in io.realm
RealmObjectChangeListener can be registered on a RealmModel or RealmObject to receive detailed notifications when an object changes.
RealmObjectSchema - Class in io.realm
Class for interacting with the schema for a given RealmObject class.
RealmObjectSchema.Function - Interface in io.realm
Function interface, used when traversing all objects of the current class and apply a function on each.
RealmObservableFactory - Class in io.realm.rx
Factory class for creating Observables for RxJava (<=2.0.*).
RealmObservableFactory(boolean) - Constructor for class io.realm.rx.RealmObservableFactory
Constructs the factory for creating Realm observables for RxJava.
RealmPrimaryKeyConstraintException - Exception in io.realm.exceptions
Class for reporting problems when the primary key constraint is being broken.
RealmPrimaryKeyConstraintException(String) - Constructor for exception io.realm.exceptions.RealmPrimaryKeyConstraintException
RealmQuery<E> - Class in io.realm
A RealmQuery encapsulates a query on a Realm or a RealmResults using the Builder pattern.
RealmResults<E> - Class in io.realm
This class holds all the matches of a RealmQuery for a given Realm.
RealmResultTask<T> - Interface in io.realm.mongodb
The RealmResultTask is a specific version of RealmAsyncTask that provides a mechanism to work with asynchronous operations carried out against MongoDB Realm that yield a result.
RealmSchema - Class in io.realm
Class for interacting with the Realm schema.
refreshConnections() - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.Sync
Realm will automatically detect when a device gets connectivity after being offline and resume syncing.
refreshCustomData() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Re-fetch custom user data from the Realm App.
refreshCustomData(App.Callback<Document>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Re-fetch custom user data from the Realm App asynchronously.
registerDefaultLogger() - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Adds default native logger if it has been removed before.
registerDevice(String) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.push.Push
Registers the given FCM registration token with the currently logged in user's device on MongoDB Realm.
registerDeviceAsync(String, App.Callback<Void>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.push.Push
Registers the given FCM registration token with the currently logged in user's device on MongoDB Realm.
registerUser(String, String) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.EmailPasswordAuth
Registers a new user with the given email and password.
registerUserAsync(String, String, App.Callback<Void>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.EmailPasswordAuth
Registers a new user with the given email and password.
remove(RealmLogger) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Removes the given logger if it is currently added.
remove() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Removes a users credentials from this device.
remove(int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Removes the object at the specified location from this list.
remove(Object) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Removes one instance of the specified object from this Collection if one is contained.
remove(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmSchema
Removes a class from the Realm.
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Removes all occurrences in this Collection of each object in the specified Collection.
removeAllChangeListeners() - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealm
Removes all user-defined change listeners.
removeAllChangeListeners() - Method in class io.realm.ProxyState
removeAllChangeListeners() - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Removes all user-defined change listeners.
removeAllChangeListeners() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Removes all user-defined change listeners.
removeAllChangeListeners() - Method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Removes all registered listeners.
removeAllChangeListeners(E) - Static method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Removes all registered listeners from the given RealmObject.
removeAllChangeListeners() - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Removes all user-defined change listeners.
removeAsync(App.Callback<User>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.User
Removes a user's credentials from this device.
removeAuthenticationListener(AuthenticationListener) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.App
Removes the provided global authentication listener.
removeChangeListener(RealmChangeListener<DynamicRealm>) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealm
Removes the specified change listener.
removeChangeListener(RealmObjectChangeListener<E>) - Method in class io.realm.ProxyState
removeChangeListener(RealmChangeListener<Realm>) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Removes the specified change listener.
removeChangeListener(OrderedRealmCollectionChangeListener<RealmList<E>>) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Removes the specified change listener.
removeChangeListener(RealmChangeListener<RealmList<E>>) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Removes the specified change listener.
removeChangeListener(RealmObjectChangeListener) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Removes a previously registered listener.
removeChangeListener(RealmChangeListener) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Removes a previously registered listener.
removeChangeListener(E, RealmObjectChangeListener) - Static method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Removes a previously registered listener on the given RealmObject.
removeChangeListener(E, RealmChangeListener<E>) - Static method in class io.realm.RealmObject
Removes a previously registered listener on the given RealmObject.
removeChangeListener(RealmChangeListener<RealmResults<E>>) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Removes the specified change listener.
removeChangeListener(OrderedRealmCollectionChangeListener<RealmResults<E>>) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Removes the specified change listener.
removeConnectionChangeListener(ConnectionListener) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncSession
Removes a previously registered ConnectionListener.
removeDefaultConfiguration() - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
Removes the current default configuration (if any).
removeField(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Removes a field from the class.
removeIndex(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Removes an index from a given field.
removePrimaryKey() - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Removes the primary key from this class.
removeProgressListener(ProgressListener) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncSession
Removes a progress listener.
rename(String, String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmSchema
Renames a class already in the Realm.
renameField(String, String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Renames a field from one name to another.
requestTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration.Builder
Sets the default timeout used by network requests against the MongoDB Realm application.
Required - Annotation Type in io.realm.annotations
This annotation will mark the field or the element in RealmList as not nullable.
resendConfirmationEmail(String) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.EmailPasswordAuth
Resend the confirmation for a user to the given email.
resendConfirmationEmailAsync(String, App.Callback<Void>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.EmailPasswordAuth
Resend the confirmation for a user to the given email.
resetPassword(String, String, String) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.EmailPasswordAuth
Resets the password of a user with the given token, token id, and new password.
resetPasswordAsync(String, String, String, App.Callback<Void>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.EmailPasswordAuth
Resets the newPassword of a user with the given token, token id, and new password.
returnNewDocument(boolean) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.FindOneAndModifyOptions
Set to true if findOneAndModify operations should return the new updated document.
rxFactory(RxObservableFactory) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration.Builder
Sets the RxObservableFactory used to create Rx Observables from Realm objects.
rxFactory(RxObservableFactory) - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration.Builder
Sets the RxObservableFactory used to create Rx Observables from Realm objects.
RxObservableFactory - Interface in io.realm.rx
Factory interface for creating Rx Observables for Realm classes.


schemaVersion(long) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration.Builder
Sets the schema version of the Realm.
schemaVersion(long) - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration.Builder
Sets the schema version of the Realm.
sendResetPasswordEmail(String) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.EmailPasswordAuth
Sends a user a password reset email for the given email.
sendResetPasswordEmailAsync(String, App.Callback<Void>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.EmailPasswordAuth
Sends a user a password reset email for the given email.
separatedDirForSyncManager - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.Sync.Debug
Set this to true to init a SyncManager with a directory named by the process ID.
serverApiKey(String) - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.Credentials
Creates credentials representing a login using a server API key.
SERVICE - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode.Type
SESSION - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode.Type
set(String, Object) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Sets the value for the given field.
set(Long) - Method in class io.realm.MutableRealmInteger
Sets the MutableRealmInteger value.
set(long) - Method in class io.realm.MutableRealmInteger
Sets the MutableRealmInteger value.
set(int, E) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Replaces the element at the specified location in this list with the specified object.
setAcceptDefaultValue$realm(boolean) - Method in class io.realm.ProxyState
setBinaryByteArray(long, byte[]) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
setBlob(String, byte[]) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Sets the binary value of the given field.
setBlob(String, byte[]) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Sets the binary value of the given field in all of the objects in the collection.
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Sets the boolean value of the given field.
setBoolean(long, boolean) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Sets the boolean value of the given field in all of the objects in the collection.
setByte(String, byte) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Sets the byte value of the given field.
setByte(String, byte) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Sets the byte value of the given field in all of the objects in the collection.
setClassName(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Sets a new name for this RealmObject class.
setConstructionFinished() - Method in class io.realm.ProxyState
setDate(String, Date) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Sets the Date value of the given field.
setDate(long, Date) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
setDate(String, Date) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Sets the Date value of the given field in all of the objects in the collection.
setDecimal128(String, Decimal128) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Sets the Decimal128 value of the given field.
setDecimal128(long, Decimal128) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
setDecimal128(String, Decimal128) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Sets the Decimal128 value of the given field in all of the objects in the collection.
setDefaultConfiguration(RealmConfiguration) - Static method in class io.realm.Realm
setDouble(String, double) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Sets the double value of the given field.
setDouble(long, double) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
setDouble(String, double) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Sets the double value of the given field in all of the objects in the collection.
setEmbedded(boolean) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Converts the class to be embedded or not.
setExcludeFields$realm(List<String>) - Method in class io.realm.ProxyState
setFloat(String, float) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Sets the float value of the given field.
setFloat(long, float) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
setFloat(String, float) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Sets the float value of the given field in all of the objects in the collection.
setInt(String, int) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Sets the int value of the given field.
setInt(String, int) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Sets the int value of the given field in all of the objects in the collection.
setLevel(int) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Sets the current LogLevel.
setLink(long, long) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
setList(String, RealmList<E>) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Sets the reference to a RealmList on the given field.
setList(String, RealmList<T>) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Replaces the RealmList at the given field on all objects in this collection.
setLong(String, long) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Sets the long value of the given field.
setLong(long, long) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
setLong(String, long) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Sets the long value of the given field in all of the objects in the collection.
setNull(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Sets the value to null for the given field.
setNull(long) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
setNull(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Sets the value to null for the given field in all of the objects in the collection.
setNullable(String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Sets a field to be nullable i.e., it should be able to hold null values.
setObject(String, DynamicRealmObject) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Sets a reference to another object on the given field.
setObject(String, RealmModel) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Sets a reference to another object on the given field in all of the objects in the collection.
setObjectId(String, ObjectId) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Sets the ObjectId value of the given field.
setObjectId(long, ObjectId) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
setObjectId(String, ObjectId) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Sets the ObjectId value of the given field in all of the objects in the collection.
setRealm$realm(BaseRealm) - Method in class io.realm.ProxyState
setRequired(String, boolean) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Sets a field to be required i.e., it is not allowed to hold null values.
setRow$realm(Row) - Method in class io.realm.ProxyState
setShort(String, short) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Sets the short value of the given field.
setShort(String, short) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Sets the short value of the given field in all of the objects in the collection.
setString(String, String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
Sets the String value of the given field.
setString(long, String) - Method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
setString(String, String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Sets the String value of the given field in all of the objects in the collection.
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Updates the field given by fieldName in all objects inside the query result.
shouldCompact(long, long) - Method in interface io.realm.CompactOnLaunchCallback
This method determines if the Realm file should be compacted before opened and returned to the user.
shouldCompact(long, long) - Method in class io.realm.DefaultCompactOnLaunchCallback
shouldDeleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration
shouldDeleteRealmOnLogout() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration
Returns true if the Realm file must be deleted once the User owning it logs out.
shouldWaitForInitialRemoteData() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration
Returns true if the Realm will download all known changes from the remote server before being opened the first time.
size() - Method in class io.realm.OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot
Returns the number of elements in this query result.
size() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Returns the number of elements in this List.
skipOnlineChecking - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.Sync.Debug
Set this to true to bypass checking if the device is offline before making HTTP requests.
sort(Bson) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.iterable.FindIterable
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
sort(Bson) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.FindOneAndModifyOptions
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
sort(Bson) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.FindOptions
Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query.
sort(String) - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedRealmCollection
Sorts a collection based on the provided field in ascending order.
sort(String, Sort) - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedRealmCollection
Sorts a collection based on the provided field and sort order.
sort(String, Sort, String, Sort) - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedRealmCollection
Sorts a collection based on the provided fields and sort orders.
sort(String[], Sort[]) - Method in interface io.realm.OrderedRealmCollection
Sorts a collection based on the provided fields and sort orders.
sort(String) - Method in class io.realm.OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot
sort(String, Sort) - Method in class io.realm.OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot
sort(String, Sort, String, Sort) - Method in class io.realm.OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot
sort(String[], Sort[]) - Method in class io.realm.OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot
sort(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Sorts a collection based on the provided field in ascending order.
sort(String, Sort) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Sorts a collection based on the provided field and sort order.
sort(String, Sort, String, Sort) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Sorts a collection based on the provided fields and sort orders.
sort(String[], Sort[]) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Sorts a collection based on the provided fields and sort orders.
sort(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Sorts the query result by the specific field name in ascending order.
sort(String, Sort) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Sorts the query result by the specified field name and order.
sort(String, Sort, String, Sort) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Sorts the query result by the specific field names in the provided orders.
sort(String[], Sort[]) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Sorts the query result by the specific field names in the provided orders.
sort(String, Sort, String, Sort) - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Sorts a collection based on the provided fields and sort orders.
Sort - Enum in io.realm
This class describes the sorting order used in Realm queries.
start() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncSession
Attempts to start the session and enable synchronization with the Realm Object Server.
startIndex - Variable in class io.realm.OrderedCollectionChangeSet.Range
The start index of this change range.
stop() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncSession
Stops any synchronization with the Realm Object Server until the Realm is re-opened again after fully closing it.
success() - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.App.Result
Creates a successful request result with no return value.
sum(String) - Method in interface io.realm.RealmCollection
Calculates the sum of a given field.
sum(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Calculates the sum of a given field.
sum(String) - Method in class io.realm.RealmQuery
Calculates the sum of a given field.
switchUser(User) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.App
Switch current user.
Sync - Class in io.realm.mongodb.sync
A sync manager handling synchronization of local Realms with remote Realm Apps.
Sync.Debug - Class in io.realm.mongodb.sync
Debugging related options.
SyncConfiguration - Class in io.realm.mongodb.sync
A SyncConfiguration is used to setup a Realm Database that can be synchronized between devices using MongoDB Realm.
SyncConfiguration.Builder - Class in io.realm.mongodb.sync
Builder used to construct instances of a SyncConfiguration in a fluent manner.
syncRootDirectory(File) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.AppConfiguration.Builder
Configures the root folder containing all files and Realms used when synchronizing data between the device and MongoDB Realm.
SyncSession - Class in io.realm.mongodb.sync
A session controls how data is synchronized between a single Realm on the device and the server Realm on the Realm Object Server.
SyncSession.ErrorHandler - Interface in io.realm.mongodb.sync
Interface used to report any session errors.
SyncSession.State - Enum in io.realm.mongodb.sync
Enum describing the states a SyncSession can be in.


toString() - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealmObject
toString() - Method in exception io.realm.exceptions.RealmFileException
toString() - Method in exception io.realm.mongodb.AppException
toString() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.ApiKeyAuth
toString() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.auth.UserApiKey
toString() - Method in enum io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode
toString() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoNamespace
Returns the standard MongoDB representation of a namespace, which is &lt;database&gt;.&lt;collection&gt;.
toString() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.CountOptions
toString() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.FindOneAndModifyOptions
toString() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.FindOptions
toString() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.UpdateOptions
toString() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.Progress
toString() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration
toString() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.UserIdentity
toString() - Method in class io.realm.OrderedCollectionChangeSet.Range
toString() - Method in class io.realm.RealmConfiguration
toString() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
toString() - Method in class io.realm.rx.ObjectChange
TRACE - Static variable in class io.realm.log.LogLevel
The TRACE level designates finer-grained informational events than DEBUG.
trace(Throwable) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Logs a LogLevel.TRACE exception.
trace(String, Object...) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Logs a LogLevel.TRACE event.
trace(Throwable, String, Object...) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Logs a LogLevel.TRACE event.
transform(RealmObjectSchema.Function) - Method in class io.realm.RealmObjectSchema
Runs a transformation function on each RealmObject instance of the current class.
tryNext() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.iterable.MongoCursor
A special next() case that returns the next document if available or null.
Type() - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode.Type


UNKNOWN - Static variable in class io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode.Type
updateMany(Bson, Bson) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateMany(Bson, Bson, UpdateOptions) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(Bson, Bson) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
updateOne(Bson, Bson, UpdateOptions) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
UpdateOptions - Class in io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options
The options to apply when updating documents.
UpdateOptions() - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.UpdateOptions
UpdateResult - Class in io.realm.mongodb.mongo.result
The result of an update operation.
UpdateResult(long, long, BsonValue) - Constructor for class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.result.UpdateResult
Constructs a result.
uploadAllLocalChanges() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncSession
Calling this method will block until all known local changes have been uploaded to the server.
uploadAllLocalChanges(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncSession
Calling this method will block until all known local changes have been uploaded to the server or the specified timeout is hit.
upsert(boolean) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.FindOneAndModifyOptions
Set to true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
upsert(boolean) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.options.UpdateOptions
Set to true if a new document should be inserted if there are no matches to the query filter.
urlPrefix(String) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration.Builder
The prefix that is prepended to the path in the WebSocket request that initiates a sync connection to MongoDB Realm.
User - Class in io.realm.mongodb
A user holds the user's meta data and tokens for accessing Realm App functionality.
User.State - Enum in io.realm.mongodb
The user's potential states.
UserApiKey - Class in io.realm.mongodb.auth
Class representing an API key for a User.
UserIdentity - Class in io.realm.mongodb
Each User is represented by 1 or more identities each defined by an Credentials.IdentityProvider.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.realm.annotations.RealmNamingPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.realm.Case
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.realm.exceptions.RealmFileException.Kind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.realm.FieldAttribute
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.realm.ImportFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.realm.mongodb.Credentials.IdentityProvider
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode.Category
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.realm.mongodb.sync.ConnectionState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.realm.mongodb.sync.ProgressMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncSession.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.realm.mongodb.User.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(Long) - Static method in class io.realm.MutableRealmInteger
Creates a new, unmanaged MutableRealmInteger with the specified initial value.
valueOf(long) - Static method in class io.realm.MutableRealmInteger
Creates a new, unmanaged MutableRealmInteger with the specified initial value.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class io.realm.MutableRealmInteger
Creates a new, unmanaged MutableRealmInteger with the specified initial value.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.realm.OrderedCollectionChangeSet.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.realm.RealmFieldType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.realm.Sort
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.realm.annotations.RealmNamingPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.realm.Case
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.realm.exceptions.RealmFileException.Kind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.realm.FieldAttribute
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.realm.FrozenPendingRow
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.realm.ImportFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.realm.mongodb.Credentials.IdentityProvider
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode.Category
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.realm.mongodb.ErrorCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.realm.mongodb.sync.ConnectionState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.realm.mongodb.sync.ProgressMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncSession.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.realm.mongodb.User.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.realm.OrderedCollectionChangeSet.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.realm.RealmFieldType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.realm.Sort
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


waitForInitialRemoteData() - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration.Builder
Setting this will cause the Realm to download all known changes from the server the first time a Realm is opened.
waitForInitialRemoteData(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.sync.SyncConfiguration.Builder
Setting this will cause the Realm to download all known changes from the server the first time a Realm is opened.
WARN - Static variable in class io.realm.log.LogLevel
The WARN level designates potentially harmful situations.
warn(Throwable) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Logs a LogLevel.WARN exception.
warn(String, Object...) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Logs a LogLevel.WARN event.
warn(Throwable, String, Object...) - Static method in class io.realm.log.RealmLog
Logs a LogLevel.WARN event.
where(String) - Method in class io.realm.DynamicRealm
Returns a RealmQuery, which can be used to query the provided class.
where() - Method in class io.realm.OrderedRealmCollectionSnapshot
where(Class<E>) - Method in class io.realm.Realm
Returns a typed RealmQuery, which can be used to query for specific objects of this type
where() - Method in interface io.realm.RealmCollection
Returns a RealmQuery, which can be used to query for specific objects from this collection.
where() - Method in class io.realm.RealmList
Returns a RealmQuery, which can be used to query for specific objects of this class.
where() - Method in class io.realm.RealmResults
Returns a RealmQuery, which can be used to query for specific objects from this collection.
withCodecRegistry(CodecRegistry) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Creates a new MongoCollection instance with a different codec registry.
withDocumentClass(Class<NewDocumentT>) - Method in class io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoCollection
Creates a new MongoCollection instance with a different default class to cast any documents returned from the database into.
withError(AppException) - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.App.Result
Creates a failed request result.
withResult(T) - Static method in class io.realm.mongodb.App.Result
Creates a successful request result with a return value.
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