This version of the documentation is archived and no longer supported. To learn how to upgrade your version of MongoDB Kubernetes Operator, refer to the upgrade documentation.

Container Images


MongoDB rebuilds Kubernetes Operator images daily for the latest operating system and supporting library updates.

Kubernetes Operator Image Operating System

Kubernetes Operator images are built with the latest versions of the following operating systems:

Registry Image OS

Ubuntu 16.04

Red Hat UBI 8

Red Hat Catalog Red Hat UBI 8

Resource Images

When you install the Kubernetes Operator, it pulls the following images from a container registry:

Image Name Description
mongodb-agent MongoDB Agent image.
mongodb-enterprise-appdb-database The enterprise MongoDB image used for the Application Database.
mongodb-enterprise-init-appdb initContainer image that contains the Application Database start-up scripts and the readiness probe.
mongodb-enterprise-database MongoDB Database environment image.
mongodb-enterprise-init-database initContainer image that contains the MongoDB Agent start-up scripts and the readiness probe.
mongodb-enterprise-ops-manager Ops Manager image.
mongodb-enterprise-init-ops-manager initContainer image that contains the Ops Manager start-up scripts and the readiness probe.


Images from use Ubuntu 20.04 by default. Append -ubi to an image name to retrieve a version that uses Red Hat UBI 8.