This version of the documentation is archived and no longer supported. To learn how to upgrade your version of MongoDB Kubernetes Operator, refer to the upgrade documentation.

Migrate to a Specified Application Database Version (Required for Version 1.11.0)

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Before upgrading your MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator to v1.11.0 or later, migrate the Application Database of any deployed MongoDBOpsManager custom resources to one of the supported enterprise MongoDB editions. You specify the MongoDB version for the Application Database in the required spec.applicationDatabase.version setting. For the list of supported MongoDB versions, see the container registry.

You must migrate the Application Database to the latest available enterprise edition of MongoDB if your MongoDBOpsManager custom resource uses:


Before completing this procedure, check whether the spec.applicationDatabase.version has a value in your configuration files for the MongoDBOpsManager custom resource deployment. The following use cases are possible:

  • The spec.applicationDatabase.version setting is not included, or has no value. In this case, before you upgrade to the Kubernetes Operator 1.11.0 or later, you must migrate the Application Database in your deployed MongoDBOpsManager custom resource to a supported enterprise MongoDB version.
  • The spec.applicationDatabase.version setting is included and has a value. In this case, check the container registry to verify that your specified version is supported with the Kubernetes Operator v.1.11.0 or later, and that it is an enterprise edition version. Migrate the Application Database to the latest supported enterprise MongoDB version that is compatible with your Ops Manager version.


Complete the following steps for each Kubernetes Operator deployment depending on whether or not you currently specify a MongoDB version for the Application Database in your MongoDBOpsManager custom resource:


Remove the old Kubernetes Operator deployment.

Remove the old Kubernetes Operator deployment.

kubectl delete deployment/mongodb-enterprise-operator -n <metadata.namespace>

The deployment’s removal has no effect on your deployed resources.


Specify the MongoDB version.

For the Ops Manager Application Database component of the Ops Manager custom resource:

  1. Locate the spec.applicationDatabase.version setting.
  2. Specify the latest available enterprise MongoDB version that is compatible with your Ops Manager version.

For example, specify:

kind: MongoDBOpsManager
   name: ops-manager
 version: 4.4.0
 replicas: 3
 adminCredentials: ops-manager-admin-secret
   enabled: false
   version: 4.4.4-ent
    members: 3

Apply the updated configuration.

Run the following command:

kubectl apply -f <configuration>.yaml

Specify the MongoDB version.

For the Ops Manager Application Database component of the Ops Manager custom resource:

  1. Locate the spec.applicationDatabase.version setting.
  2. Specify the latest available enterprise MongoDB version that is compatible with your Ops Manager version.

For example, specify:

kind: MongoDBOpsManager
   name: ops-manager
 version: 5.0.0
 replicas: 3
 adminCredentials: ops-manager-admin-secret
   enabled: false
   version: 5.0.0-ent
    members: 3

Apply the updated configuration.

Run the following command:

kubectl apply -f <configuration>.yaml