This version of the documentation is archived and no longer supported.


MongoDB stores documents in collections. If a collection does not exist, MongoDB creates the collection when you first insert a document in that collection.

You can also explicitly create a collection with various options, such as setting the maximum size or the documentation validation rules.

Capped Collection

Capped collections have maximum size or document counts that prevent them from growing beyond maximum thresholds. All capped collections must specify a maximum size and may also specify a maximum document count. MongoDB removes older documents if a collection reaches the maximum size limit before it reaches the maximum document count.

To create a capped collection, use the capped: true option along with a size in bytes.

client =[ '' ], :database => 'music')
client[:artists, capped: true, size: 10000].create

Convert an Existing Collection to Capped

To convert an existing collection from non-capped to capped, use the convertToCapped command.

client =[ '' ], :database => 'test')
db = client.database
db.command({ 'convertToCapped' => 'contacts', 'size' => 8192 })

Document Validation

If you’re using MongoDB version 3.2 or later, you can use document validation. Collections with validations compare each inserted or updated document against the criteria specified in the validator option. Depending on the validationLevel and validationAction, MongoDB either returns a warning, or refuses to insert or update the document if it fails to meet the specified criteria.

The following example creates a contacts collection with a validator that specifies that inserted or updated documents should match at least one of three following conditions:

  • the phone field is a string
  • the email field matches the regular expression
  • the status field is either Unknown or Incomplete.
client =[ '' ], :database => 'test')

       'validator' => { '$or' =>
             { 'phone' => { '$type' => "string" } },
             { 'email' => { '$regex' => /@mongodb\.com$/ } },
             { 'status' => { '$in' => [ "Unknown", "Incomplete" ] } }


Add Validation to an Existing Collection

To add document validation criteria to an existing collection, use the collMod command. The example below demonstrates how to add a validation to the contacts collection, ensuring that all new documents must contain an age field which is a number.

client =[ '' ], :database => 'test')
db = client.database
db.command({ 'collMod' => 'contacts',
             'validator' =>
               { 'age' =>
                 { '$type' => "number" }

Change Streams

As of version 3.6 of the MongoDB server, a new `$changeStream pipeline stage is supported in the aggregation framework. Specifying this stage first in an aggregation pipeline allows users to request that notifications are sent for all changes to a particular collection. The helper method available for change streams on a collection object is preferred to running a raw aggregation with a $changeStream stage, for the purpose of supporting resumability.

The change stream will attempt to resume one time upon a network error or a server error indicating that a failover is taking place.

To start receiving change notifications, use the method #watch on a collection:

client =[ '' ], :database => 'test')
stream = client[:test].watch

Each document can be retrieved and processed by your application as in the following code example:

enum = stream.to_enum
  while true
    change =
    # do something
rescue => e
  # we know for sure it's unrecoverable

The change documents will expose a resume token at the key ‘_id’. This token can be used to specify a logical starting point for a new a ChangeStream:

stream = client[:test].watch([], resume_token: token)

A subset of aggregation pipeline stages are available to a change stream and can be passed into the #watch method:

stream = client[:test].watch([ { '$match' => { 'operationType' => 'update' } }])