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Creating a Client

Using Mongo::Client

To start a Ruby driver connection, create a Mongo::Client object. Provide a list of hosts and options or a connection URI to the Mongo::Client constructor. The client’s oselected database defaults to admin.

To create a client to a standalone server, provide one host in the seed list. Optionally, you can force the cluster topology to be standalone without going through the auto-discovery steps.[ '' ], :database => 'mydb')[ '' ], :database => 'mydb', :connect => :direct)'mongodb://')

To connect to a replica set, pass one or more hosts and the replica set name. The driver’s auto-discovery feature finds all members of the replica set if they are not all provided.[ '', '' ], :database => 'mydb', replica_set: 'myapp')'mongodb://,')

To create a client to a sharded cluster, pass one or more mongos hosts. The auto-discovery feature can determine that the servers are mongos instances, but if you would like to bypass the auto-discovery, pass the sharded option to the client.[ '' ], :database => 'mydb')[ '' ], :database => 'mydb', :connect => :sharded)'mongodb://')

Client Options

A number of different options can be passed to a Mongo::Client to configure driver behavior, either by providing them in the options hash to the constructor or by providing them in the URI.

Since the URI options are required in camel case, which is not the Ruby standard, the following table shows the option in the URI and its corresponding option if passed to the constructor in Ruby.


The options passed directly should be symbols.

The options are explained in detail in the Connection URI reference.


Options that are set in milliseconds in the URI are represented as a float in Ruby and the units are seconds.

URI Options Conversions

URI Option Ruby Option
replicaSet=String :replica_set => String
connect=String :connect => Symbol
ssl=Boolean :ssl => true|false
connectTimeoutMS=Integer :connect_timeout => Float
socketTimeoutMS=Integer :socket_timeout => Float
serverSelectionTimeoutMS=Integer :server_selection_timeout => Float
localThresholdMS=Integer :local_threshold => Float
maxPoolSize=Integer :max_pool_size => Integer
minPoolSize=Integer :min_pool_size => Integer
waitQueueTimeoutMS=Integer :wait_queue_timeout => Float
w=Integer|String { :write => { :w => Integer|String }}
wtimeoutMS=Integer { :write => { :wtimeout => Float }}
journal=Boolean { :write => { :j => true|false }}
fsync=Boolean { :write => { :fsync => true|false }}
readPreference=String { :read => { :mode => Symbol }}
readPreferenceTags=Strings { :read => { :tag_sets => Array<String> }}
authSource=String :auth_source => String
authMechanism=String :auth_mech => Symbol
authMechanismProperties=Strings { :auth_mech_properties => { :service_realm => String, :canonicalize_host_name => true|false, :service_name => String } }

Ruby Options

Option Description Type Default
:replica_set When connecting to a replica set, this is the name of the set to filter servers by. String none
:ssl Tell the client to connect to the servers via SSL. Boolean false
:connect_timeout The number of seconds to wait to establish a socket connection before raising an exception. Float 10 seconds
:socket_timeout The number of seconds to wait for an operation to execute on a socket before raising an exception. Float 5 seconds
:max_pool_size The maximum size of the connection pool for each server. Integer 5
:min_pool_size The minimum number of connections in the connection pool for each server. Integer 1
:wait_queue_timeout The number of seconds to wait for a connection in the connection pool to become available. Float 1

Specifies write concern options as a Hash. Keys in the hash can be :w, :wtimeout, :j, :fsync.

{ :write => { :w => 2 } }
Hash { :w => 1 }

Specifies the read preference mode and tag sets for selecting servers as a Hash. Keys in the hash are :mode and :tag_sets.

{ :read =>
  { :mode => :secondary,
    :tag_sets => [ "berlin" ]
Hash { :mode => :primary }
:auth_source Specifies the authentication source. String For MongoDB 2.6 and later: admin if credentials are supplied, otherwise the current database
:auth_mech Specifies the authenticaion mechanism to use. Can be one of: :mongodb_cr, :mongodb_x509, :plain, :scram. Symbol MongoDB 3.0 and later: :scram if user credentials are supplied but an :auth_mech is not. 2.6 and earlier: :mongodb_cr
:auth_mech_properties Provides additional authentication mechanism properties. Hash none
:user The name of the user to authenticate with. String none
:password The password of the user to authenticate with. String none
:connect Overrides the auto-discovery feature of the driver and forces the cluster topology to a specific type. Choices: :direct, :replica_set or :sharded. Symbol none
:heartbeat_frequency The number of seconds for the server monitors to refresh server states asynchronously. Float 10
:database The name of the database to connect to. String admin
:server_selection_timeout The number of seconds to wait for an appropriate server to be selected for an operation to be executed before raising an exception. Float 30
:local_threshold Specifies the maximum latency in seconds between the nearest server and the servers that can be available for selection to operate on. Float 0.015

Details on Timeout Options

On initialization of a connection to a server, this setting is the number of seconds to wait to connect before raising an exception. This timeout is also used when monitor threads ping their servers. The default is 10 seconds. See the socket timeout for monitoring specification for further explanation.
The number of seconds to wait for an operation to execute on a socket before raising a timeout exception. It should take into account network latency and operation duration. The default is no value; the default is effectively infinity. Please consider using max_time_ms per-operation instead, as the socket_timeout does not stop the operation on the server; a long-running operation will continue to run on the server, beyond a socket timeout being reached. See the socket timeout for monitoring specification documentation for further information relating to server discovery and monitoring.
The number of seconds to wait for the driver to find an appropriate server to which an operation can be sent before raising an exception. Defaults to 30. It should take the speed of elections during a failover into account. See the serverSelectionTimeoutMS specification for further information.
The maximum latency in seconds between the nearest server and the servers that can be considered available to send an operation to. Defaults to 0.015.


This is not the latency window between the driver and a server, but rather the latency between the nearest server and other servers. See the localThresholdMS specification.

The number of seconds to wait for a connection in the connection pool to become available. You should consider increasing this number if you are seeing many Timeout errors while using many threads or when operations are long-running. Defaults to 1 second.
Maximum size of the connection pool for each server. Defaults to 5 connections.
Minimum number of connections in the connection pool for each server. Increase this number to create connections when the pool is initialized and to reduce the overhead of creating new connections later on. Defaults to 1.
Specified as an option on a particular operation. It defines a cumulative time limit in milliseconds for processing operations on a cursor. Consider using this option instead of a socket_timeout, if the operation should be interrupted on the server. See the CRUD specification for details on operations that support this option.
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