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Bulk Operations

The bulk write API sends a list of write operations to the server in one method call. Execution order of the operations is guaranteed if you pass in the ordered option.

The bulk_write method takes three arguments:

  • A list of operations.
  • The ordered option with a boolean. Defaults to true.
  • A write concern option. Defaults to the collection’s write concern.

Valid bulk write operations are the following:


{ :insert_one => { :x => 1 } }


{ :delete_one => { :filter => { :x => 1 } } }


{ :delete_many => { :filter => { :x => 1 } } }


{ :replace_one => { :filter => { :x => 1 },
                    :replacement => { :x => 2 },
                    :upsert => true } # upsert is optional and defaults to false


{ :update_one => { :filter => { :x => 1 },
                   :update => { '$set' =>  { :x => 2 } },
                   :upsert => true } # upsert is optional and defaults to false


{ :update_many => { :filter => { :x => 1 },
                    :update => { '$set' =>  { :x => 2 } },
                    :upsert => true } # upsert is optional and defaults to false

The following example shows how to pass operations to the bulk_write method.

coll = client['documents']
coll.bulk_write([ { :insert_one => { :x => 1 }
                  { :update_one => { :filter => { :x => 1 },
                                     :update => {'$set' => { :x => 2 } }
                  { :replace_one => { :filter => { :x => 2 },
                                      :replacement => { :x => 3 }
                :ordered => true)
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