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Change Streams

As of version 3.6 of the MongoDB server, a new $changeStream pipeline stage is supported in the aggregation framework. Specifying this stage first in an aggregation pipeline allows users to request that notifications are sent for all changes to a particular collection. As of MongoDB 4.0, change streams are supported on databases and clusters in addition to collections.

The Ruby driver provides an API for receiving notifications for changes to a particular collection, database or cluster using this new pipeline stage. Although you can create a change stream using the pipeline operator and aggregation framework directly, it is recommended to use the driver API described below as the driver resumes the change stream one time if there is a timeout, a network error, a server error indicating that a failover is taking place or another type of a resumable error.

Change streams on the server require a "majority" read concern or no read concern.

Change streams do not work properly with JRuby because of the issue documented here. Namely, JRuby eagerly evaluates #next on an Enumerator in a background green thread, therefore calling #next on the change stream will cause getMores to be called in a loop in the background.

Watching for Changes on a Collection

A collection change stream is created by calling the #watch method on a collection:

client =[ '' ], :database => 'test')
collection = client[:test]
stream =
collection.insert_one(a: 1)
doc =

You can also receive the notifications as they become available:

stream =
enum = stream.to_enum
while doc =

The next method blocks and polls the cluster until a change is available. Use the try_next method to iterate a change stream without blocking; this method will wait up to max_await_time_ms milliseconds for changes from the server, and if no changes are received it will return nil. If there is a non-resumable error, both next and try_next will raise an exception. See Resuming a Change Stream section below for an example that reads changes from a collection indefinitely.

The change stream can take filters in the aggregation framework pipeline operator format:

stream =[{'$match' => { 'operationType' => {'$in' => ['insert', 'replace'] } } },
                           {'$match' => { 'fullDocument.n' => { '$gte' => 1 } } }
enum = stream.to_enum
while doc =

Watching for Changes on a Database

A database change stream notifies on changes on any collection within the database as well as database-wide events, such as the database being dropped.

A database change stream is created by calling the #watch method on a database object:

client =[ '' ], :database => 'test')
database = client.database
stream =
client[:test].insert_one(a: 1)
doc =

Watching for Changes on a Cluster

A cluster change stream notifies on changes on any collection, any database within the cluster as well as cluster-wide events.

A cluster change stream is created by calling the #watch method on a client object (not the cluster object):

client =[ '' ], :database => 'test')
stream =
client[:test].insert_one(a: 1)
doc =

Closing a Change Stream

You can close a change stream by calling its #close method:


Resuming a Change Stream

The driver will automatically retry getMore operations on a change stream once. Initial aggregation is never retried. In practical terms this means that, for example:

  • Calling will fail if the cluster does not have enough available nodes to satisfy the "majority" read preference.
  • Once successfully returns, if the cluster subsequently experiences an election or loses a node, but heals quickly enough, change stream reads via next or each methods will continue transparently to the application.

If the cluster loses enough nodes to not be able to satisfy the "majority" read preference and does not heal quickly enough, next and each will raise an error. In these cases the application must track, via the resume token, which documents from the change stream it has processed and create a new change stream object via the watch call, passing an appropriate :resume_after argument. The _id key in each change document can be used as a resume token. However, to get the most up-to-date resume token, use the resume_token method.

token = doc['_id']
stream =[], resume_after: token)

To watch a collection indefinitely, retrying on all MongoDB errors, using next:

token = nil
while true
    stream =[], resume_after: token)
    enum = stream.to_enum
    while doc =
      token = stream.resume_token
  rescue Mongo::Error
    sleep 1
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