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Flush the CDN Cache

On this page

  • Overview
  • Procedure
  • Navigate to the Hosted File Tree
  • Select the Purge Cache Action
  • Select the Attribute Type and Value
  • Pull the Latest Version of Your App
  • Deploy with the Reset CDN Cache Flag

Atlas App Services serves hosted files through a Content Delivery Network (CDN) in order to minimize the latency between receiving a request for a resource and returning the requested resource.

When a client requests a resource that's hosted in App Services, the CDN server that processes the request checks for a cached copy of the file. If the server finds a valid cached copy of the resource, it returns it to the client. Otherwise, it forwards the request to App Services and caches the returned file before returning it to the client.

The CDN caching process decreases the latency for end users when they request a resource but may cause users to receive an out-of-date version of a resource if the file has changed since the CDN server cached it. You can flush the CDN cache in order to make it drop all cached files and start serving the latest version of each file.


Automatic Cache Invalidation

The CDN automatically refreshes cached files periodically. You can configure the caching behavior for an individual file by adding a a Cache-Control attribute to the file.

← File Metadata Attributes