
@interface RLMSyncConfiguration : NSObject

A configuration object representing configuration state for a Realm which is intended to sync with a Realm Object Server.

  • The user to which the remote Realm belongs.



    @property (readonly, nonatomic) RLMUser *_Nonnull user;
  • The value this Realm is partitioned on. The partition key is a property defined in MongoDB Realm. All classes with a property with this value will be synchronized to the Realm.



    @property (readonly, nonatomic) id<RLMBSON> _Nonnull partitionValue;
  • Whether nonfatal connection errors should cancel async opens.

    By default, if a nonfatal connection error such as a connection timing out occurs, any currently pending asyncOpen operations will ignore the error and continue to retry until it succeeds. If this is set to true, the open will instead fail and report the error.

    FIXME: This should probably be true by default in the next major version.



    @property (nonatomic) _Bool cancelAsyncOpenOnNonFatalErrors;