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Mongoid includes ActiveModel::Validations to supply the basic validation plus an additional associated and uniqueness validator.

See the Active Record Validations Rails guide and ActiveModel::Validations documentation for more information.

Mongoid behaves slightly different to Active Record when using #valid? on already persisted data. Active Record’s #valid? will run all validations whereas Mongoid’s #valid? will only run validations on documents that are in memory as an optimization.

validates_uniqueness_of and :conditions Option

The :conditions option to validates_uniqueness_of can be used to provide additional conditions to add to the database query looking for identical documents. This option does not influence when the validation is executed because it is not considered when Mongoid retrieves the present value of the respective field from the model. Consider the following example:

class Band
  include Mongoid::Document

  field :name, type: String
  field :year, type: Integer

  validates_uniqueness_of :name, conditions: -> { where(:year.gte => 2000) }

# OK
Band.create!(name: "Sun Project", year: 2000)

# Fails validation because there is a band with the "Sun Project" name
# and year 2000 in the database, even though the model being created now
# does not have a year.
Band.create!(name: "Sun Project")
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