This version of the documentation is archived and no longer supported.


Install the Gem

Mongoid is bundled as a gem, and is hosted on Rubygems. It can be installed manually or with bundler.

To install the gem manually:

gem install mongoid

To install the gem with bundler, include the following in your Gemfile:

gem 'mongoid', '~> 5.4.1'


Note the following compatibility matrix to determine if Mongoid is supported on your runtime and server.

Ruby Version 2.4.x 2.6.x 3.0.x
MRI 1.8.x No No No
MRI 1.9.x Yes Yes Yes
MRI 2.0.x Yes Yes Yes
MRI 2.1.x Yes Yes Yes
MRI 2.2.x Yes Yes Yes
JRuby 1.7.x Yes Yes Yes


Mongoid configuration can be done through a mongoid.yml that specifies your options and clients. The simplest configuration is as follows, which sets the default client to “localhost:27017” and provides a single database in that client named “mongoid”.

      database: mongoid
        - localhost:27017

Rails Applications

You can generate a config file by executing the generator and then editing myapp/config/mongoid.yml to your heart’s desire. Mongoid will then handle everything else from there.

$ rails g mongoid:config

When Mongoid loads its configuration, it chooses the environment to use based on the following order:

  • Rails.env if using Rails.
  • Sinatra::Base.environment if using Sinatra.
  • RACK_ENV environment variable.
  • MONGOID_ENV environment variable.

If you are not using any rack based application and want to override the environment programatically, you can pass a second paramter to load! and Mongoid will use that.

Mongoid.load!("path/to/your/mongoid.yml", :production)

Depending on your version of Rails, you may also need to configure the orm to be Mongoid in application.rb.

config.generators do |g|
  g.orm :mongoid

Anatomy of a Mongoid Config

Let’s have a look at a full-blown mongoid.yml and explain the full power of what Mongoid can do. The following configuration has its explanation in the comments above each key.

  # Configure available database clients. (required)
    # Define the default client. (required)
      # A uri may be defined for a client:
      # uri: 'mongodb://'
      # Please see driver documentation for details. Alternatively, you can define the following:
      # Define the name of the default database that Mongoid can connect to.
      # (required).
      database: my_db
      # Provide the hosts the default client can connect to. Must be an array
      # of host:port pairs. (required)
        # Change the default write concern. (default = { w: 1 })
          w: 1

        # Change the default read preference. Valid options for mode are: :secondary,
        # :secondary_preferred, :primary, :primary_preferred, :nearest
        # (default: primary)
          mode: :secondary_preferred
            - use: web

        # The name of the user for authentication.
        user: 'user'

        # The password of the user for authentication.
        password: 'password'

        # The user's database roles.
          - 'dbOwner'

        # Change the default authentication mechanism. Valid options are: :scram,
        # :mongodb_cr, :mongodb_x509, and :plain. (default on 3.0 is :scram, default
        # on 2.4 and 2.6 is :plain)
        auth_mech: :scram

        # The database or source to authenticate the user against. (default: admin)
        auth_source: admin

        # Force the driver to connect in a specific way instead of auto-
        # discovering. Can be one of: :direct, :replica_set, :sharded. Set to :direct
        # when connecting to hidden members of a replica set.
        connect: :direct

        # Change the default time in seconds the server monitors refresh their status
        # via ismaster commands. (default: 10)
        heartbeat_frequency: 10

        # The time in seconds for selecting servers for a near read preference. (default: 0.015)
        local_threshold: 0.015

        # The timeout in seconds for selecting a server for an operation. (default: 30)
        server_selection_timeout: 30

        # The maximum number of connections in the connection pool. (default: 5)
        max_pool_size: 5

        # The minimum number of connections in the connection pool. (default: 1)
        min_pool_size: 1

        # The time to wait, in seconds, in the connection pool for a connection
        # to be checked in before timing out. (default: 1)
        wait_queue_timeout: 1

        # The time to wait to establish a connection before timing out, in seconds.
        # (default: 10)
        connect_timeout: 10

        # The timeout to wait to execute operations on a socket before raising an error.
        # (default: 5)
        socket_timeout: 5

        # The name of the replica set to connect to. Servers provided as seeds that do
        # not belong to this replica set will be ignored.
        replica_set: my_replica_set

        # Whether to connect to the servers via ssl. (default: false)
        ssl: true

        # The certificate file used to identify the connection against MongoDB.
        ssl_cert: /path/to/my.cert

        # The private keyfile used to identify the connection against MongoDB.
        # Note that even if the key is stored in the same file as the certificate,
        # both need to be explicitly specified.
        ssl_key: /path/to/my.key

        # A passphrase for the private key.
        ssl_key_pass_phrase: password

        # Whether or not to do peer certification validation. (default: true)
        ssl_verify: true

        # The file containing a set of concatenated certification authority certifications
        # used to validate certs passed from the other end of the connection.
        ssl_ca_cert: /path/to/ca.cert

  # Configure Mongoid specific options. (optional)
    # Include the root model name in json serialization. (default: false)
    include_root_in_json: false

    # Include the _type field in serialization. (default: false)
    include_type_for_serialization: false

    # Preload all models in development, needed when models use
    # inheritance. (default: false)
    preload_models: false

    # Raise an error when performing a #find and the document is not found.
    # (default: true)
    raise_not_found_error: true

    # Raise an error when defining a scope with the same name as an
    # existing method. (default: false)
    scope_overwrite_exception: false

    # Use Active Support's time zone in conversions. (default: true)
    use_activesupport_time_zone: true

    # Ensure all times are UTC in the app side. (default: false)
    use_utc: false

    # Set the Mongoid and Ruby driver log levels. (default: :info)
    log_level: :info


Changing logging options is done simply by telling Mongoid or the driver’s logger to have a different level. Logging level is DEBUG by default.

Mongoid.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
Mongo::Logger.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
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