This version of the documentation is archived and no longer supported. To learn how to upgrade your version of MongoDB Kubernetes Operator, refer to the upgrade documentation.
  • Reference >
  • MongoDB Kubernetes Object Specification

MongoDB Kubernetes Object Specification

Supported with Cloud Manager and Ops Manager 4.0

You can use Kubernetes Operator to deploy MongoDB instances with Ops Manager version 4.0 or later and Cloud Manager. At any place in this guide that says Ops Manager, you can substitute Cloud Manager.

The MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator creates Kubernetes StatefulSets from specification files that you wrote.

MongoDB resources are created in Kubernetes as custom resources. After you create or update a MongoDB resource specification, you direct MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator to apply this specification to your Kubernetes environment. Kubernetes Operator creates the defined StatefulSets, services and other Kubernetes resources. After the Operator finishes creating those objects, it updates Ops Manager deployment configuration to reflect changes.

Deployment Type StatefulSets Size of StatefulSet
Standalone 1 1 per member
Replica Set 1 1 per member
Sharded Cluster 1 1 per shard or config server member

Each object uses an object specification in YAML to define the characteristics and settings of the MongoDB object: standalone, replica set, and sharded cluster.

Common Resource Settings

Every resource type must use the following settings:



Type: string

Required. Version of the MongoDB Kubernetes resource schema.


Type: string

Required. Kind of MongoDB Kubernetes resource to create. Set this to MongoDB

Type: string

Required. Name of the MongoDB Kubernetes resource you are creating.


Type: string

Required. Kubernetes namespace where this MongoDB Kubernetes resource and other objects are created.


Type: string

Required. Name of the Kubernetes secret you created as Ops Manager API authentication credentials for the Kubernetes Operator to communicate with Cloud Manager or Ops Manager.

Value must use namespace and name of Secret

This value must match the value you provided for namespace and name for your Ops Manager Kubernetes Secret.

If this object is in a different namespace than the Secret, you should set this value to the namespace and name of the Secret in this format: <namespace>/<name>

Operator manages changes to the Secret

The Kubernetes Operator tracks any changes to the Secret and reconciles the state of the MongoDB Kubernetes resource.


Type: boolean

Default: True


Your containers must have permissions to write to your Persistent Volume. The Kubernetes Operator sets fsGroup = 2000 in securityContext This makes Kubernetes try to fix write permissions for the Persistent Volume. If redeploying the deployment item does not fix issues with your Persistent Volumes, contact MongoDB support.


If you do not use Persistent Volumes, the Disk Usage and Disk IOPS charts cannot be displayed in either the Processes tab on the Deployment page or in the Metrics page when reviewing the data for this deployment.


Type: string

Required. Name of the ConfigMap with the Cloud Manager or Ops Manager connection configuration.

Value must match namespace and name of ConfigMap

This value must match the value you provided for in your Cloud Manager or Ops Manager project ConfigMap.

If this MongoDB Kubernetes resource is in a different namespace than the project ConfigMap, you should set this value to the namespace and name of the ConfigMap in this format: <namespace>/<name>

Operator manages changes to the ConfigMap

The Kubernetes Operator tracks any changes to the ConfigMap and reconciles the state of the MongoDB Kubernetes resource.


Type: string

Required. Type of MongoDB Kubernetes resource to create. Accepted values are:

  • Standalone
  • ReplicaSet
  • ShardedCluster

Type: number

Required. Version of MongoDB that is installed on this MongoDB Kubernetes resource.


If you update this value to a later version, consider setting spec.featureCompatibilityVersion to give yourself the option to downgrade if necessary.


Every resource type may use the following settings:


Type: number

Optional. Limits changes to data that occur with an upgrade to a new major version. This allows you to downgrade to the previous major version. To learn more about feature compatibility, see setFeatureCompatibilityVersion in the MongoDB Manual.


Type: string

Default: cluster.local

When Kubernetes creates a StatefulSet, the Kubernetes assigns each pod a FQDN. To update Cloud Manager or Ops Manager, the Kubernetes Operator calculates the FQDN for each pod using a provided clusterName. Kubernetes does not provide an API to query these hostnames.


Type: string

Default: <resource_name>+”-svc” and <resource_name>+”-svc-external”

Name of Kubernetes service to be created or used for a StatefulSet. If the service with this name already exists, the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator does not delete or recreate it. This setting lets users to create their custom services and lets the Operator reuse them.


Type: string

Default: INFO

Configures the level of Automation Agent logging inside the pod. Accepted values include:

  • INFO
  • WARN

Deployment-Specific Resource Settings

Other settings you can and must use in a MongoDB Kubernetes resource specification depend upon which MongoDB deployment item you want to create:

Standalone Settings


Type: boolean

Default: false

Determines whether the MongoDB deployment is exposed outside of the Kubernetes cluster. This results in Kubernetes creating a NodePort service.


Type: string

Maximum CPU capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host this standalone database MongoDB Kubernetes resource.

This value maps to the limits field for CPU for the created pod.


Type: string

Minimum CPU capacity for the node being created to host this standalone database MongoDB Kubernetes resource. If omitted, this value is set to spec.podSpec.cpu.

This value maps to the requests field for CPU for the created pod.

The requested value must be less than or equal to spec.podSpec.cpu.


For production deployments, MongoDB recommends setting this value to 2. This value is consistent with considerations stated for MongoDB hosts.


Type: string

Maximum memory capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host this MongoDB Kubernetes resource on Kubernetes. This value is expressed as an integer followed by a unit of memory in JEDEC notation.


If this MongoDB Kubernetes resource requires 4 gigabytes of memory, set this value to 4G.

This value maps to the limits field for memory for the created pod.


If you have not set spec.podSpec.memory or spec.podSpec.memoryRequests:

  • Monitoring tools report incorrect available memory capacity.
  • The WiredTiger cache cannot be calculated correctly. This impacts cluster performance.

Type: string

Minimum memory capacity for the node being created to host this standalone database MongoDB Kubernetes resource. If omitted, this value is set to spec.podSpec.memory.

This value maps to the requests field for memory for the created pod.

The requested value must be less than or equal to spec.podSpec.memory.


For production deployments, MongoDB recommends setting this value to 16Gi. This value is consistent with considerations stated for MongoDB hosts.


Type: Struct

Kubernetes rule to place standalone database pods on a specific range of nodes.


A user can isolate “dev” and “testing” environments to ensure pods go to nodes with appropriate labels.


Type: collection

Has Kubernetes Operator create one Persistent Volume Claim and mount all three directories for data, journal, and logs to the same Persistent Volume.


  • You must set the values in this collection if spec.persistent : true.
  • You may set this collection or the persistence.multiple collections but not both.
Scalar Data Type Description
labelSelector string Tag used to bind mounted volumes to directories.
storage string

Minimum size of Persistent Volume that should be mounted. This value is expressed as an integer followed by a unit of storage in JEDEC notation.

Default value is 16G.


If this MongoDB Kubernetes resource requires 60 gigabytes of storage space, set this value to 60G.

storageClass string

Type of storage specified in a Persistent Volume Claim. You may create this storage type as a StorageClass object before using it in this object specification.


Make sure to set the StorageClass reclaimPolicy to Retain. This ensures that data is retained when a Persistent Volume Claim is removed.

Type: collection

Has Kubernetes Operator create a Persistent Volume Claim and mount a directory for data to its own Persistent Volume.


  • You must set the values in this collection if spec.persistent : true.
  • You may set this collection or the persistence.single collection but not both.
Scalar Data Type Description
labelSelector string Tag used to bind mounted volumes to directories.
storage string

Minimum storage capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host this standalone deployment on Kubernetes. This value is expressed as an integer followed by a unit of storage in JEDEC notation.

Default value is 16G.


If this MongoDB Kubernetes resource requires 60 gigabytes of storage space, set this value to 60G.

storageClass string

Type of storage needed for this standalone deployment. You may create this storage type as a StorageClass object before using it in this object specification.


Make sure to set the StorageClass reclaimPolicy to Retain. This ensures that data is retained when a Persistent Volume Claim is removed.


Type: collection

Has Kubernetes Operator create a Persistent Volume Claim and mount a directory for journal to its own Persistent Volume.


  • You must set the values in this collection if spec.persistent : true.
  • You may set this collection or the persistence.single collection but not both.
Scalar Data Type Description
labelSelector string Tag used to bind mounted volumes to directories.
storage string

Minimum storage capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host this standalone deployment on Kubernetes. This value is expressed as an integer followed by a unit of storage in JEDEC notation.

Default value is 1G.


If this MongoDB Kubernetes resource requires 60 gigabytes of storage space, set this value to 60G.

storageClass string

Type of storage needed for this standalone deployment. You may create this storage type as a StorageClass object before using it in this object specification.


Make sure to set the StorageClass reclaimPolicy to Retain. This ensures that data is retained when a Persistent Volume Claim is removed.


Type: collection

Has Kubernetes Operator create a Persistent Volume Claim and mount a directory for logs to its own Persistent Volume.


  • You must set the values in this collection if spec.persistent : true.
  • You may set this collection or the persistence.single collection but not both.
Scalar Data Type Description
labelSelector string Tag used to bind mounted volumes to directories.
storage string

Minimum storage capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host this standalone deployment on Kubernetes. This value is expressed as an integer followed by a unit of storage in JEDEC notation.

Default value is 3G.


If this MongoDB Kubernetes resource requires 60 gigabytes of storage space, set this value to 60G.

storageClass string

Type of storage needed for this standalone deployment. You may create this storage type as a StorageClass object before using it in this object specification.


Make sure to set the StorageClass reclaimPolicy to Retain. This ensures that data is retained when a Persistent Volume Claim is removed.


Type: Struct

Kubernetes rule to determine if multiple MongoDB Kubernetes resource pods must be co-located with other pods.

See also

The Kubernetes documentation for use cases on affinity and anti-affinity

Replica Set Settings


All of the Standalone Settings also apply to replica set resources.

The following settings only apply to replica set resource types:


Type: integer

Required. Number of Members of the Replica Set.


Type: string


This sets a rule to spread MongoDB Kubernetes resource pods to different locations. A location can be a single node, rack, or region. This key defines which node label is used to determine equal location for nodes. By default, Kubernetes Operator tries to spread pods across different hosts.

Sharded Cluster Settings

The following settings only apply to sharded cluster resource types:


Type: boolean

Default: false

Determines whether the MongoDB deployment is exposed outside of the Kubernetes cluster. This results in Kubernetes creating a NodePort service.


Type: integer

Required. Number of Members in the Config Server.


Type: number

Maximum CPU capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host this sharded cluster config server member MongoDB Kubernetes resource.

This value maps to the limits field for CPU for the created pod.


Type: string

Minimum CPU capacity for the node being created to host this sharded cluster config server member MongoDB Kubernetes resource. If omitted, this value is set to spec.configSrvPodSpec.cpu.

This value maps to the requests field for CPU for the created pod.

The requested value must be less than or equal to spec.configSrvPodSpec.cpu.


For production deployments, MongoDB recommends setting this value to 2. This value is consistent with considerations stated for MongoDB hosts.


Type: string

Maximum memory capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host this MongoDB Kubernetes resource on Kubernetes. This value is expressed as an integer followed by a unit of memory in JEDEC notation.


If this MongoDB Kubernetes resource requires 4 gigabytes of memory, set this value to 4G.

This value maps to the limits field for memory for the created pod.


If you have not set spec.configSrvPodSpec.memory or spec.configSrvPodSpec.memoryRequests:

  • Monitoring tools report incorrect available memory capacity.
  • The WiredTiger cache cannot be calculated correctly. This impacts cluster performance.

Type: string

Minimum memory capacity for the node being created to host this standalone database MongoDB Kubernetes resource. If omitted, this value is set to spec.podSpec.memory.

This value maps to the requests field for memory for the created pod.

The requested value must be less than or equal to spec.podSpec.memory.


For production deployments, MongoDB recommends setting this value to 16Gi. This value is consistent with considerations stated for MongoDB hosts.


Type: collection

Has Kubernetes Operator create one Persistent Volume Claim and mount all three directories for data, journal, and logs to the same Persistent Volume.


  • You must set the values in this collection if spec.persistent : true.
  • You may set this collection or the persistence.multiple collections but not both.
Scalar Data Type Description
labelSelector string Tag used to bind mounted volumes to directories.
storage string

Minimum size of Persistent Volume that should be mounted. This value is expressed as an integer followed by a unit of storage in JEDEC notation.

Default value is 5G.


If this MongoDB Kubernetes resource requires 60 gigabytes of storage space, set this value to 60G.

storageClass string

Type of storage specified in a Persistent Volume Claim. You may create this storage type as a StorageClass object before using it in this object specification.


Make sure to set the StorageClass reclaimPolicy to Retain. This ensures that data is retained when a Persistent Volume Claim is removed.

Type: collection

Has Kubernetes Operator create a Persistent Volume Claim and mount a directory for data to its own Persistent Volume.


  • You must set the values in this collection if spec.persistent : true.
  • You may set this collection or the persistence.single collection but not both.
Scalar Data Type Description
labelSelector string Tag used to bind mounted volumes to directories.
storage string

Minimum storage capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host this sharded cluster config server member on Kubernetes. This value is expressed as an integer followed by a unit of storage in JEDEC notation.

Default value is 16G.


If this MongoDB Kubernetes resource requires 60 gigabytes of storage space, set this value to 60G.

storageClass string

Type of storage needed for this sharded cluster config server member. You may create this storage type as a StorageClass object before using it in this object specification.


Make sure to set the StorageClass reclaimPolicy to Retain. This ensures that data is retained when a Persistent Volume Claim is removed.


Type: collection

Has Kubernetes Operator create a Persistent Volume Claim and mount a directory for journal to its own Persistent Volume.


  • You must set the values in this collection if spec.persistent : true.
  • You may set this collection or the persistence.single collection but not both.
Scalar Data Type Description
labelSelector string Tag used to bind mounted volumes to directories.
storage string

Minimum storage capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host this sharded cluster config server member on Kubernetes. This value is expressed as an integer followed by a unit of storage in JEDEC notation.

Default value is 1G.


If this MongoDB Kubernetes resource requires 60 gigabytes of storage space, set this value to 60G.

storageClass string

Type of storage needed for this sharded cluster config server member. You may create this storage type as a StorageClass object before using it in this object specification.


Make sure to set the StorageClass reclaimPolicy to Retain. This ensures that data is retained when a Persistent Volume Claim is removed.


Type: collection

Has Kubernetes Operator create a Persistent Volume Claim and mount a directory for logs to its own Persistent Volume.


  • You must set the values in this collection if spec.persistent : true.
  • You may set this collection or the persistence.single collection but not both.
Scalar Data Type Description
labelSelector string Tag used to bind mounted volumes to directories.
storage string

Minimum storage capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host this sharded cluster config server member on Kubernetes. This value is expressed as an integer followed by a unit of storage in JEDEC notation.

Default value is 3G.


If this MongoDB Kubernetes resource requires 60 gigabytes of storage space, set this value to 60G.

storageClass string

Type of storage needed for this sharded cluster config server member. You may create this storage type as a StorageClass object before using it in this object specification.


Make sure to set the StorageClass reclaimPolicy to Retain. This ensures that data is retained when a Persistent Volume Claim is removed.


Type: collection

Kubernetes rule to place sharded cluster config server member pods on a specific range of nodes.


A user can isolate “dev” and “testing” environments to ensure pods go to nodes with appropriate labels.


Type: collection

Kubernetes rule to determine if multiple MongoDB Kubernetes resource pods must be co-located with other pods.

See also

The Kubernetes documentation for use cases on affinity and anti-affinity


Type: string


This sets a rule to spread MongoDB Kubernetes resource pods to different locations. A location can be a single node, rack, or region. This key defines which node label is used to determine equal location for nodes. By default, Kubernetes Operator tries to spread pods across different hosts.


Type: integer

Required. Number of Members per shard.


Type: integer

Required. Number of Shard Routers.


Type: number

Maximum CPU capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host this sharded cluster shard member MongoDB Kubernetes resource.

This value maps to the limits field for CPU for the created pod.


Type: string

Minimum CPU capacity for the node being created to host this standalone database MongoDB Kubernetes resource. If omitted, this value is set to spec.mongosPodSpec.cpu.

This value maps to the requests field for CPU for the created pod.

The requested value must be less than or equal to spec.mongosPodSpec.cpu.


For production deployments, MongoDB recommends setting this value to 2. This value is consistent with considerations stated for MongoDB hosts.


Type: string

Maximum memory capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host this MongoDB Kubernetes resource on Kubernetes. This value is expressed as an integer followed by a unit of memory in JEDEC notation.


If this MongoDB Kubernetes resource requires 4 gigabytes of memory, set this value to 4G.

This value maps to the limits field for memory for the created pod.


If you have not set spec.mongosPodSpec.memory or spec.mongosPodSpec.memoryRequests:

  • Monitoring tools report incorrect available memory capacity.
  • The WiredTiger cache cannot be calculated correctly. This impacts cluster performance.

Type: string

Minimum memory capacity for the node being created to host this sharded cluster shard member MongoDB Kubernetes resource. If omitted, this value is set to spec.podSpec.memory.

This value maps to the requests field for memory for the created pod.

The requested value must be less than or equal to spec.podSpec.memory.


For production deployments, MongoDB recommends setting this value to 16Gi. This value is consistent with considerations stated for MongoDB hosts.


Type: collection

Optional. Kubernetes rule to determine if multiple MongoDB Kubernetes resource nodes must be co-located with other nodes.


Type: collection

Optional. Kubernetes rule to determine if multiple MongoDB Kubernetes resource pods must be co-located with other pods.


Type: string


This sets a rule to spread MongoDB Kubernetes resource pods to different locations. A location can be a single node, rack, or region. This key defines which node label is used to determine equal location for nodes. By default, Kubernetes Operator tries to spread pods across different hosts.


Type: integer

Required. Number of Shards in the sharded cluster.


Type: number

Maximum CPU capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host this sharded cluster shard member MongoDB Kubernetes resource.

This value maps to the limits field for CPU for the created pod.


Type: string

Minimum CPU capacity for the node being created to host this sharded cluster shard member MongoDB Kubernetes resource. If omitted, this value is set to spec.shardPodSpec.cpu.

This value maps to the requests field for CPU for the created pod.

The requested value must be less than or equal to spec.shardPodSpec.cpu.


For production deployments, MongoDB recommends setting this value to 2. This value is consistent with considerations stated for MongoDB hosts.


Type: string

Maximum memory capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host this MongoDB Kubernetes resource on Kubernetes. This value is expressed as an integer followed by a unit of memory in JEDEC notation.


If this MongoDB Kubernetes resource requires 4 gigabytes of memory, set this value to 4G.

This value maps to the limits field for memory for the created pod.


If you have not set spec.shardPodSpec.memory or spec.shardPodSpec.memoryRequests:

  • Monitoring tools report incorrect available memory capacity.
  • The WiredTiger cache cannot be calculated correctly. This impacts cluster performance.

Type: string

Minimum memory capacity for the node being created to host this sharded cluster shard member MongoDB Kubernetes resource. If omitted, this value is set to spec.podSpec.memory.

This value maps to the requests field for memory for the created pod.

The requested value must be less than or equal to spec.podSpec.memory.


For production deployments, MongoDB recommends setting this value to 16Gi. This value is consistent with considerations stated for MongoDB hosts.


Type: string

Kubernetes rule to place shard pods on a specific range of nodes.


A user can isolate “dev” and “testing” environments to ensure pods go to nodes with appropriate labels.


Type: collection

Has Kubernetes Operator create one Persistent Volume Claim and mount all three directories for data, journal, and logs to the same Persistent Volume.


  • You must set the values in this collection if spec.persistent : true.
  • You may set this collection or the persistence.multiple collections but not both.
Scalar Data Type Description
labelSelector string Tag used to bind mounted volumes to directories.
storage string

Minimum size of Persistent Volume that should be mounted. This value is expressed as an integer followed by a unit of storage in JEDEC notation.

Default value is 16G.


If this MongoDB Kubernetes resource requires 60 gigabytes of storage space, set this value to 60G.

storageClass string

Type of storage specified in a Persistent Volume Claim. You may create this storage type as a StorageClass object before using it in this object specification.


Make sure to set the StorageClass reclaimPolicy to Retain. This ensures that data is retained when a Persistent Volume Claim is removed.

Type: collection

Has Kubernetes Operator create a Persistent Volume Claim and mount a directory for data to its own Persistent Volume.


  • You must set the values in this collection if spec.persistent : true.
  • You may set this collection or the persistence.single collection but not both.
Scalar Data Type Description
labelSelector string Tag used to bind mounted volumes to directories.
storage string

Minimum storage capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host this sharded cluster shard member on Kubernetes. This value is expressed as an integer followed by a unit of storage in JEDEC notation.

Default value is 16G.


If this MongoDB Kubernetes resource requires 60 gigabytes of storage space, set this value to 60G.

storageClass string

Type of storage needed for this sharded cluster shard member. You may create this storage type as a StorageClass object before using it in this object specification.


Make sure to set the StorageClass reclaimPolicy to Retain. This ensures that data is retained when a Persistent Volume Claim is removed.


Type: collection

Has Kubernetes Operator create a Persistent Volume Claim and mount a directory for journal to its own Persistent Volume.


  • You must set the values in this collection if spec.persistent : true.
  • You may set this collection or the persistence.single collection but not both.
Scalar Data Type Description
labelSelector string Tag used to bind mounted volumes to directories.
storage string

Minimum storage capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host this sharded cluster shard member on Kubernetes. This value is expressed as an integer followed by a unit of storage in JEDEC notation.

Default value is 1G.


If this MongoDB Kubernetes resource requires 60 gigabytes of storage space, set this value to 60G.

storageClass string

Type of storage needed for this sharded cluster shard member. You may create this storage type as a StorageClass object before using it in this object specification.


Make sure to set the StorageClass reclaimPolicy to Retain. This ensures that data is retained when a Persistent Volume Claim is removed.


Type: collection

Has Kubernetes Operator create a Persistent Volume Claim and mount a directory for logs to its own Persistent Volume.


  • You must set the values in this collection if spec.persistent : true.
  • You may set this collection or the persistence.single collection but not both.
Scalar Data Type Description
labelSelector string Tag used to bind mounted volumes to directories.
storage string

Minimum storage capacity that must be available on a Kubernetes node to host this sharded cluster shard member on Kubernetes. This value is expressed as an integer followed by a unit of storage in JEDEC notation.

Default value is 3G.


If this MongoDB Kubernetes resource requires 60 gigabytes of storage space, set this value to 60G.

storageClass string

Type of storage needed for this sharded cluster shard member. You may create this storage type as a StorageClass object before using it in this object specification.


Make sure to set the StorageClass reclaimPolicy to Retain. This ensures that data is retained when a Persistent Volume Claim is removed.


Type: string

Kubernetes rule to determine if multiple MongoDB Kubernetes resource pods must be co-located with other pods.

See also

The Kubernetes documentation for use cases on affinity and anti-affinity


Type: string


This sets a rule to spread MongoDB Kubernetes resource pods to different locations. A location can be a single node, rack, or region. This key defines which node label is used to determine equal location for nodes. By default, Kubernetes Operator tries to spread pods across different hosts.

Security Settings

The following TLS settings only apply to replica set and sharded cluster resource types:

Type: boolean

Default: false

Encrypts communications using TLS certificates between:

  • MongoDB hosts in a replica set or sharded cluster configuration
  • Clients (mongo shell, drivers, MongoDB Compass, and others) and the MongoDB deployment

By default, net.ssl.mode is set to requireSSL. To change the TLS mode used for client and database connections, see

Type: string

Default: requireSSL

Specifies which sslMode is used for network connections. The following are valid options:

Value Description
allowSSL Connections between servers do not use TLS. For incoming connections, the server accepts both TLS and non-TLS.
preferSSL Connections between servers use TLS. For incoming connections, the server accepts both TLS and non-TLS.
requireSSL The server uses and accepts only TLS encrypted connections.

Type: string

Set to x509 to enable X.509 internal cluster authentication. Requires TLS on the resource by setting to true.


Once internal cluster authentication is enabled, it can not be disabled.


The following example shows a resource specification for a standlone deployment with every setting provided:

kind: MongoDB
  name: my-standalone
  namespace: mongodb
  version: 4.0.0
  service: my-service
  project: my-project
  credentials: my-credentials
  persistent: true
  type: Standalone
    cpu: '0.25'
    memory: 512M
        storage: 12G
        storageClass: standard
          - {key: environment, operator: In, values: [dev]}
      - labelSelector:
          - key: security
            operator: In
            - S1
        - matchExpressions:
          - key:
            operator: In
            - e2e-az1
            - e2e-az2

The following example shows a resource specification for a replica set with every setting provided:

kind: MongoDB
  name: my-replica-set
  namespace: mongodb
  members: 3
  version: 4.0.0
  service: my-service
  project: my-project
  credentials: my-credentials
  persistent: true
  type: ReplicaSet
    cpu: '0.25'
    memory: 512M
          storage: 10Gi
          storage: 1Gi
              app: "my-app"
          storage: 500M
          storageClass: standard
    podAntiAffinityTopologyKey: nodeId
      - labelSelector:
          - key: security
            operator: In
            - S1
        - matchExpressions:
          - key:
            operator: In
            - e2e-az1
            - e2e-az2
      enabled: true
        mode: requireSSL

The following example shows a resource specification for a sharded cluster with every setting provided:

kind: MongoDB
  name: my-sharded-cluster
  namespace: mongodb
  shardCount: 2
  mongodsPerShardCount: 3
  mongosCount: 2
  configServerCount: 3
  version: 4.0.0
  service: my-service
  type: ShardedCluster

  ## Please Note: The default Kubernetes cluster name is
  ## `cluster.local`.
  ## If your cluster has been configured with another name, you can
  ## specify it with the `clusterName` attribute.

  project: my-project
  credentials: my-credentials

  persistent: true
    cpu: '0.5'
    memory: 512M

    # if "persistence" element is omitted then Operator uses the
    # default size (5G) for mounting single Persistent Volume

      - labelSelector:
          - key: security
            operator: In
            - S1
    cpu: '0.8'
    memory: 1G
    podAntiAffinityTopologyKey: rackId
      - weight: 1
          - key: another-node-label-key
            operator: In
            - another-node-label-value
    cpu: '0.6'
    memory: 3G
        # if the child of "multiple" is omitted then the default size will be used.
        # 16G for "data", 1G for "journal", 3Gb for "logs"
          storage: 20G
          storage: 4G
          storageClass: standard
      enabled: true
        mode: requireSSL