This version of the documentation is archived and no longer supported.



The MongoDB Connector for BI and associated utilities are only available with MongoDB Enterprise 3.2 and greater.

To set up MongoDB Connector for BI with a business intelligence tool such as Tableau, follow the steps on this page.

Supported Platforms

Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 6 7
Debian 8 (Jessie)  
Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) 14.04 (Trusty)

Install the MongoDB Connector for BI


Install the MongoDB Connector for BI.

Download the MongoDB Connector for BI for your version of Linux from the MongoDB Download Center.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS

You can check your operating system version with the following command:

cat /etc/redhat-release

Extract the tarball you downloaded, and install the contained RPM packages:

sudo yum install *.rpm

Debian and Ubuntu

Extract the tarball you downloaded, and install the contained debian packages:

sudo dpkg -i *.deb
sudo apt-get install -f

Create at least one MongoDB Connector for BI user.

Replace biuser in the following command with your desired Business Intelligence username, and fill in the connection string that points to your MongoDB instance.

mongobiuser create biuser mongodb://

mongobiuser will prompt you to set a password for biuser by default.


Generate your schema definition file.

Provide a MongoDB server hostname, replace dbname with the name of your database, and optionally replace collname with the name of a collection. If you do not specify a collection, mongodrdl will generate a schema from all collections in dbname.

mongodrdl --host -d dbname [-c collname] -o schema.drdl

You can examine the generated schema.drdl file, and remove any fields or tables that are not part of your intended schema.


Load the generated schema into the MongoDB Connector for BI.

mongobischema import biuser schema.drdl

When prompted, you must provide the password you set with mongobiuser create. You can also provide the --password flag to mongobischema on the command line.


Install business intelligence PostgreSQL drivers.

On the Windows or OSX machine where you will be running your business intelligence tool, install the appropriate PostgreSQL driver for that tool.

If you are using Tableau for example, you can install the PostgreSQL driver from their drivers download page, and follow the instructions there.


Connect to the MongoDB Connector for BI

Launch your business intelligence tool, and connect to the MongoDB Connector for BI using the following settings:

Host The hostname of the server on which you installed the MongoDB Connector for BI in step 1.
Port 27032 by default.
Username The username you specified when creating your MongoDB Connector for BI user with mongobiuser in step 2.
Password The password you specified when creating your MongoDB Connector for BI user with mongobiuser in step 2.
Database Same as your username.